If ISIS attacked USA, as state sponsored terrorism, what would the reaction be?


Blue Belt
Jan 24, 2015
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ISIS pulls a 9/11.

What happens next?


This is a de facto nation. If it chose to inflict a massive terrorist attack on America, what would be the reaction? Remembering that OBL didn't really have a nation behind him, just people giving him shelter.

As a nation, if they attacked the American mainland, surely they would not be treated as terrorists, but as a hostile nation in a war with the states?

Surely on some level, they are already engaged in this war?

At some point, we are going to have to accept that these people are an anathema to world security. They stand out as having no diplomacy and no relations with this world, beyond a growing hostility to the world that surrounds them. North Korea is one of the closest examples of such a belligerent position, but they are tempered by China and have years of relations with the States, however poor.

We talk about not being able to wipe out ISIS, but the reality is, this is not necessarily a choice, but a necessity.

Theres a difference between there being people out there that hate us, and a nation out there that is literally at war with us.

Also if ISIS consolidates itself as a nation, this will serve as a massive beacon to other fragile nations in the region. It essentially would be a bit like Iran post revolution, but with a far more militant and less tempered outlook. Iran after all, itsnt known for attacking nations, isnt growing as a nation in territory, and isnt a nation in an explicit war with America.

Lastly, if ISIS did attack America, how ironic would it be that attacking the wrong nation led to a repeat of the very thing that created the initial response in the first place.
they would be wiped out of the map in less than 2 days, there is no way in hell they do that.
We'd deploy, smash them in under a month. Then face a guerrilla war, ala Afghanistan and Iraq.
Im pretty dovish but if someone attacks us, we should kill them and then immediately leave. Pound them into oblivion and then bounce. ISIS included.
Im pretty dovish but if someone attacks us, we should kill them and then immediately leave. Pound them into oblivion and then bounce. ISIS included.

Unfortunately, ISIS has deep roots in the Western world. How do you win on the home front?
The question "as a nation" is easier. It would be an act of war, and one much clearer cut than 9/11. The question is more difficult the less they are a nation. Should we even be calling them a de facto nation at this point? It's not enough to point to a map filled with red.
The question "as a nation" is easier. It would be an act of war, and one much clearer cut than 9/11. The question is more difficult the less they are a nation. Should we even be calling them a de facto nation at this point? It's not enough to point to a map filled with red.

I think they're clearly a defacto nation. They've got uniforms, hierarchy, they've got local governments, courts, laws, flags, functional borders. Aside from recognition from other countries, what's missing?
I think they're clearly a defacto nation. They've got uniforms, hierarchy, they've got local governments, courts, laws, flags, functional borders. Aside from recognition from other countries, what's missing?

An emerging nation of some sort, yes. Maybe I'm behind on the news, but as they consolidate, the question of dealing with an attack becomes easier.
I'm really not at all worried about some sleeper network going guerrilla war in the US.

In the US, maybe not (yet). Canada (Toronto and Montreal especially) have a lot to worry about. France, the UK are in big trouble. In other words, we wont be able to count on our allies because they'll suffer major internal attacks.
We'd probably retaliate against Iran.

It would be a good time to take out Assad as well.

And pass new internal security measures, which kinda goes without saying.
Realistically, the US would probably blame Hezbollah, Iran and Assad as responsible and invade.
it's not a nation. it has no recognition anywhere. it doesn't sufficiently control it's territory. it has no currency. it has no recognized borders. it has no passport control. unlike the Taliban pre-9/11 ISIS has no interest in joining the UN or being recognized in any official capacity.

to your question, what will happen if they stage a state-side attack? we will roll right through the whole mess and then fail to establish anything like a state, because ISIS exists between two failed states. that's a lot to prop up.
Destroy them. Enslave their very ideals. And salt the earth so that nothing grows there again. Uttering even their name is a sentence of death.
ISIS is already pushing their limits with their brutality. They're making more and more people get fed up with their shit. Attacking America on American soil would be suicide and they know it.
It is not a recognized nation and we would never recognize it as such.

Military retaliation would ensue, but the sovereignty of Syria and Iraq would be given at least superficial respect. We wouldn't have too much resistance as both legitimate nations already give us authorization for military activity against ISIS within their borders. Some people in the respective governments might need to be bargained with, but a military response would happen.