If you had to become a super villain...

I will summon pit bulls to snatch up babies then return them to different parents.
The Night King
Telekinesis-telepathy /Invulnerabilty /super genius
World Domination and every biological woman , no matter size ( have to be over 18) or looks ,to get impregnated by me either by da sex or turkey baster.
What would be your super villain name, your special power, and your ultimate plan/goal?
They call me ''Mr Meetings'', My Special Power would be to make your work clothes invisible, my plan is to have at least two meetings every day in my office, my goal would simply be to enjoy myself.

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What would be your super villain name, your special power, and your ultimate plan/goal?

I'd be "The Gaslighter" and I'd have the ability to convince anyone that something is their fault even if it's really not.

My ultimate goal would be to win an argument with a woman.
Have you tried winning by not arguing?

Like cats and toddlers, point a light or shiny object in one direction to distract away from the topic, and continue to do whatever it was you wanted in the first place.
Michael Myers and I'd roll with a badass grumble of Pugs and a some other selective cool dogs.
Come on; my name's already been chosen;)

Knight Templar


- Superhuman Strength, Speed and Healing Factor.

- Ability to instantly summon weapons and armour. The armour and shield are magically enhanced and can withstand anything up to and including a nuclear blast. The sword and dagger can slice through solid steel like butter.

- Expert martial artist, skilled in both weapons and hand to hand combat.

- The ability to find anyone, anywhere on the planet, as long as I had a picture of them. Or one of their victims.


I would travel the world and seek out the worst type of criminals; sex offenders, serial killers etc. I would challenge them to Trial by Combat. If they beat me, then God has judged them to be innocent. But of course, they don't stand a chance. I slaughter them all.