If you were Micheal Corleone, would you have had Fredo killed?

I would have killed fredo. Then I would have stalked and killed every rival 1 by 1 until they were all dead, without any help. Just me, a mask, a silenced sniper rifle, and careful planning.

I wouldn't give any indication I was involved. If anyone suspected it was me I would kill them too. If too much heat got on me I would blow up the rival headquarters, change my name 15 times, change my appearance, and flee the country.

Are you a gangster or not
Thinking about it now maybe Micheal is the one who killed his Family and set up the other families to make it looked like they it and used that as an excuse slaughter his rivals.
If you were Micheal Corleone, would you have had your brother Fredo killed or would you have forgiven him?

I'm a only child. Feels batman.jpg :(

I couldn't imagine someone going Cain and murdering their bro in cold blood. Appalling. If I was mob boss Michael Corleone I'm a gangsters gangster do gangster things. <Moves>
I kill everybody! EVERYBODY
Michael was in an impossible situation. Let him live, you look weak. Not only that, but he’s now a potential asset to enemies looking for information on them to exploit them with. Fredo had to go plain and simple. Sending him away wouldn’t have done much because all the vulnerabilities he provided are still on the table.

I believe Michael made the right decision despite it being a fucked up decision.
Yep. Just to add to this: Those saying they’d send Fredo somewhere far away - Las Vegas was very far away. But yes, Fredo can be found anywhere in the world, and exploited.
He wasn't part of the family business at that point.
I'm a pretty easy going guy...

I don't ever forgive someone that puts my family in seriously mortal danger, blood or no.
it was to send a message to everyone else in the mafia.

michael would kill his own brother. you better not fuk around.
The problem with allowing him to live is that he becomes too much of a liability. He's already shown his weakness consorting with rivals, so imagine the authorities pressing down on him and trying to use him to rat.

He's shown that he is envious of his own brother. So what's stopping him from getting hammered one night, only to attempt to fire 1 off into Michaels dome.

There are too many ways that Fredo could go off the deep end to allow him to live. He was a very weak link in that family and needed to be wacked. There was no other way.

Not to mention, he got slapped around by Moe Greene in public. A Corleone. That humiliation alone deserves banishment.
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I'm a pretty easy going guy...

I don't ever forgive someone that puts my family in seriously mortal danger, blood or no.
Michael literally let Fredo watch his kid for the next few years.
Haven’t watched the Godfather trilogy in a long time. It was clear, though, that Michael had regretted his decision, seeking redemption through philanthropy, revitalizing his relationship with his family, and papal favors (albeit beneficial to himself). His brothers were gone, and he was left with a vast estate, but filled with eternal loneliness, until death, yet not quite. Fredo was kept around until he wasn’t needed.

Although Michael’s narcissism was on full display, reaching the level of psychopathy, Fredo is an overlooked character in terms of ruthlessness. Yes, his one shot at being a big player failed miserably, almost costing more than Michael’s life (something to consider when evaluating the TS’s question), but he was a slippery character who wanted to be a criminal from the beginning, moving against the family and trying various criminal schemes along the way. He played Michael until things fell apart, conspiring with established and not-so-established players, then, when the dust settled, claimed to be naive of what was happening. It was part authentic, mostly manipulation, when he acted as though he had no idea a hit on Michael was in play.


Fredo was essentially exiled, prevented from engaging in family business on any serious level. Once his mom was gone — donzo. Michael had to finally make the difficult decision while considering some of the aforementioned information above. Would I have done the same? Yes. Fredo almost got K killed, too. He was so far off the reservation that no redemption would be possible, not in that life. Moreover, Fredo was essentially given an out, at least in my view (again, haven’t rewatched in a long time); he had people looking for him in all the right places, but couldn’t stay away.
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From what I can tell from the movie, thinking he was going to be a further liability is silly. He didn't need to be killed at that point.

The guy was just going to live in perpetual family shame and occasionally take Michael's kid out fishing.

Mercy would have been the proper play, IMHO. But Michael gave him no chance at redemption, he just revenge killed him at a point where he was no longer a threat. I can't really co-sign that.
Haven’t watched the Godfather trilogy in a long time. It was clear, though, that Michael had regretted his decision, seeking redemption through philanthropy, revitalizing his relationship with his family, and papal favors (albeit beneficial to himself). His brothers were gone, and he was left with a vast estate, but filled with eternal loneliness, until death, yet not quite. Fredo was kept around until he wasn’t needed.

Although Michael’s narcissism was on full display, reaching the level of psychopathy, Fredo is an overlooked character in terms of ruthlessness. Yes, his one shot at being a big player failed miserably, almost costing more than Michael’s life (something to consider when evaluating the TS’s question), but he was a slippery character who wanted to be a criminal from the beginning, moving against the family and trying various criminal schemes along the way. He played Michael until things fell apart, conspiring with established and not-so-established players, then, when the dust settled, claimed to be naive of what was happening. It was part authentic, mostly manipulation, when he acted as though he had no idea a hit on Michael was in play.


Fredo was essentially exiled, prevented from engaging in family business on any serious level. Once his mom was gone — donzo. Michael had to finally make the difficult decision while considering some of the aforementioned information above. Would I have done the same? Yes. Fredo almost got K killed, too. He was so far off the reservation that no redemption would be possible, not in that life. Moreover, Fredo was essentially given an out, at least in my view (again, haven’t rewatched in a long time); he had people looking for him in all the right places, but couldn’t stay away.

At least in the movies Fredo appeared to be no longer any kind of threat. John Cazale Fredo at the end of Godfather 2 had settled into just a quiet retired humiliation going fishing and stuff and I don't think that guy had any scheming left in him. He had all the rest of his mother's life to show any kind of remaining inclination to make a name for himself and he seemed to be done with it.

The guy was reformed.

Michael just basically went and killed a weakling when he didn't need to. I think Fredo would have just fished away the rest of his days and tried not to bother anybody.
I never really got this because all of them are so rich that they could have just setup Fredo or supported him rather than kill him. The problem with killing family members is that it sets a precedent and it makes your family look weak and opposition might take credit.

You could give Fredo ten million dollars. He'd spend it all and be coming back for more money and if you refused he'd sell your secrets to your enemies.

You can't help people like that.

The Godfather is really about a guy who was just a terrible father.

Fredo was a simpleton.
Sonny was a buffoon.
Connie was a trainwreck.
Michael was a psychopath.
If you were Micheal Corleone, would you have had your brother Fredo killed or would you have forgiven him?
IDK but whatever happens can you recover from killing your brother, even if he tried to kill you?

Fredo was so incompetent that he could have exiled him in some shithole village in Sicily with the strict warning that he gets shot if ever he leaves the village. Like that he wouldn t have been a threat and Michael would have been able to sleep at night.