Media I'm a Jon Jones fan again: Jones Confrontation

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Oh no, some rich capitalist oligarchs in their nationwide license chains lose the tinniest amount of their hoarded money! Boo-hoo, all that shallow materialism has been doing is cock teasing us for years. "don't you want this, don't you want that, don't you wanna be as hot as this hoe, that hoe". Fuck that, I say BURN IT ALL DOWN NO MERCY! LOOT IT ALL BABY! The money they've been hoarding is just legalised theft and stealing. This type seems bad aesthetically to the eye, but what they've been doing is much worse. WAKE UP FOLKS! Capitalism is socialism for the oligarchs and the police is their army. Now you know.

So, what about the black businesses being destroyed? Atlanta is 51% black; who do you think is going to be hurt the most if the city is torn apart?
If the looting was reserved for Target and CVS and Apple stores, you might have a point.

Not really--once again, you'd mostly just hurt the people who work there and the people local to the neighborhood. You certainly would hurt them a lot more than the CEO's that run those chains.
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Jon Jones 2020 redemption arc is truly something isn’t it lmao. It’s like he’s the Face and DC has become a company shill/heel with all the eye poking shit.
You gotta look at it in totality. Better for the whole system to go down than Randal to have his donut shop saved. Besides, the new world on the other side will benefit Randal much more anyway. See it with perspective. Let this happen. Its glorious.

So, you don't care about the black businesses being destroyed. What about the many black people who are actually going to be physically harmed, the people who are going to lose their livelihoods and the overall lasting cost that Atlanta--which as done so much to build itself up--is going to pay not only economically, but in terms of crime rates, which will of course soar just as they did in LA and Baltimore? A lot of people stand to get hurt here and as I said, undoubtedly, most of them will be black.
Jones could be a hero but he has fu**ed up too many times for people to believe this is who he is. First came the stories how he stopped a robbery before winning the title and then it all went to shit. He is really lucky he is not in jail to be honest. I mean have you ever heard a story where somebody crashes a car while driving under the influence and the victim is a pregnant lady who breaks their arm. Then the crasher flees the scene and does not serve a day in jail.
Good for him. If all normal, hard working folks would go out and hand out some uppercuts those punks would be never seen again. Not trying to turn this into a WR post, but what's happening in US right now is ridiculous. When you make Jones look like a stand up guy you should know you're in the wrong.
There is something wrong with Jon Jones. What made him believe that was a good idea? That was just another case waiting to happen. LOL

Dude's judgement outside the Octagon is just off. LOL
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