Inability to sleep - have you ever experienced that?

Every time I smell some coca I can’t seem to sleep
I was born to sleep. My buddy joked that I didn't know what the world looked like before noon. Every so often I find myself tired but unable to fall asleep. I'm yawning and nodding off in front of the TV, then go to bed and lay there awake.
I once went 5 days without sleep (shout out to my old friend amphetamine) and got some real sick hallucinations. well not that bad, but I realized after a well earned sleep, that there wasn't really a cop who on purpose ran over dogs on the parking lot outside... Nor were there homeless guys hanging out in my garden trying to convince me that sailing wasn't worth it unless you had a certificate to sell boats. Sleep is worth it. If hadn't kicked that habit I would look like my avatar. weird times
Melatonin is going to be a life changer for you.