Is believing aliens are among us just like believing in ghosts?


Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
People swear by both
There’s little actual evidence for either but lots of anecdotal evidence

somewhat faith based beliefs
I'm an alien ghost.


Ok, so instead of ghosts, I'll say ethereal spirit beings. Humans can only see and hear at certain ranges of frequency. These ranges aren't the longest, so basically there are things going on that we cannot see or hear.

As far as aliens go...... lol Sumerian mythology, Hopi mythology, Mayan mythology, Hindu etc etc. Pick one.
No, IMO.

I view the word "ghost" as simply a word used to describe an unknown phenomenon which may be any number things including something perfectly normal and logical within the known world. The word is common and convenient so it gets used.

You see a shadow in your hallway at night as you lay in bed. = Ghost. Could be cast from a bathrobe hanging on the bedroom door. Could be a figment of your imagination due to being nearly asleep. Maybe something supernatural and not easily explained. Until it's figured out "ghost" is the descriptor.

Alien is a word for something concrete and easily defined to me, pertaining to extraterrestrials in this instance if I read the OP correctly. To me it's easier to say that you've seen a "ghost" whatever that may be than to say that you've seen aliens because many people have caught something move out of the corner of their eye, heard phantom footsteps, seen something peculiar that was hard to explain but I've never met anyone who's said "I saw an alien" as it pertains to extraterrestrials.
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Yes and no, depending on what you mean by "believing" in aliens. IMO, it's pretty rational to believe that somewhere in the universe, some other form of intelligent life probably exists. In fact, I think that believing otherwise is pretty foolish.

However, believing that they're visiting us? That's every bit as unlikely as ghosts.
Maybe I'm bias, but aliens are more plausible to me.

Everyone has the idea of some big headed humanoids for some reason... an alien is simply any organism alien to our planet. Could be a damn shrew from a planet that supports life. That doesn't seem too far fetched considering the size of the universe.

Whereas a ghost is supposed to be a spirit of the dead that can interact with the living and the physical world. An alien we could've not encountered because it is too far, why is there no tangible proof of aliens since billions have died by now?
One is supernatural, the other is a statistical likelihood.

I’m not convinced aliens have visited us but I think there’s enough interesting evidence out there to make it a possibility.

Ghosts, I personally feel is left over energy manifestations like audio on a vinyl record. I think there is something to it but I don’t believe in interacting with spirits. I think it’s just like a video recording.
Aliens being on earth is not only not statistically likely or more plausible its laughable. Aliens in general vs ghosts is kind of a coin flip, but Aliens being on earth walking among humans? No fucking chance.
Less logic needs to be bent to believe in aliens than in ghosts because if you exist, why can't aliens exist somewhere else? If you have tech, why can't some more advance civilization have better tech?

One TV show said maybe Skinwalker Ranch had this one cabin that had weird shit regularly. If so, why can't they just film it in high def 24/7 until they record something?

Also, if ghosts naturally had the ability to do shit to people w/o special ghost training, logical proof would be if those responsible for their deaths like domestic violence murderers or war crime dictators would promptly die as soon as their victims become ghosts.
Has some parrallels for sure.
Main thing with Aliens is, that based on the math, there is more than likely SOME kind of life out there in the universe besides us.
Just doesn't mean they are visiting or probing or if we will ever meet them due to distance/time.

I was thinking of it, how it could be considered much like religion or a belief in the divine, that most people want to believe there is something greater than us. Weather thats UFOS, Ghosts, God, the connection of all things, etc
People swear by both
There’s little actual evidence for either but lots of anecdotal evidence

somewhat faith based beliefs
I don't think they are the same.

- Ghosts are supernatual beings while intelligent Alien life is not.

- Alien life would be part of our material world, if they exist
- Supernatural beings transcend the material world we live in
I believe it is likely both ghosts and aliens are connected.

I think it is plausible that an alien is a supernatural being. I think there could be a connection to the two.
I believe it is likely both ghosts and aliens are connected.

I think it is plausible that an alien is a supernatural being. I think there could be a connection to the two.
I thought in Ancient Aliens, one of the moon astronauts said they saw angels made of light moving around.
When we experience things we can't explain or things way out of the normal everyday patterns we frame them with what he have. Ghosts or aliens are two of the limiting boxes we use to label these experiences. What is actually happening in each instance is unknown I'd say.

Belief is a different thing though. Watching moronic tick tock videos of shit in the background of people homes or in graveyards and believing ghosts are real is being kind of simple minded I'd say, or seeing lights moving across the sky and thinking aliens are real, also simple...