Is believing aliens are among us just like believing in ghosts?

People swear by both
There’s little actual evidence for either but lots of anecdotal evidence

somewhat faith based beliefs

I believe there's more scientific research leaning towards life on another planet somewhere, so i'd lean towards that one. Most space experts seem to agree that it's damn near impossible for there NOT to be life outside of ours out there. Ghosts...well. I guess you could make a case for it but aliens definitely make more sense.
Neither are supernatural and both may be interdimensional. There may be a similarity between both phenomenon.

Both types of phenomenon elude our present technological ability to detect or prove but both are attested to by highly reliable people and witnesses along with hundreds of thousands of ordinary people.

The religion of scientism has dulled people into thinking that you cannot believe anything until it's been proven in a lab. Present climate has become so dogmatic that people cannot tell the difference between being intellectually convinced and having proven something anymore.
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Neither are supernatural and both may be interdimensional. There may be a similarity between both phenomenon.

Both types of phenomenon elude our present technological ability to detect or prove but both are attested to by highly reliable people and witnesses along with hundreds of thousands of ordinary people.

The religion of scientism has dulled people into thinking that you cannot believe anything until it's been proven in a lab. Present climate has become so dogmatic that people cannot tell the difference between being intellectually convinced and having proven something anymore.
What’s scientism
Id love to have an encounter with either. I haven’t ruled out the possibility of either. It’s fun to talk about.

and this is where I stand for the most part. I mean, I have seen ghosts (or what I believed to have been ghosts) but I don't dimiss/ridicule those who claim to have seen one, nor do I beleive science is the end all/be all tool of observation/confirmation.
aliens, ghosts?
God, depending on your description and definition, does certainly exist.
Not as some bearded, quasi-Zeus character ruling Heaven sternly but as a higher
level of consciousness attainable by anyone who wants it.
and this is where I stand for the most part. I mean, I have seen ghosts (or what I believed to have been ghosts) but I don't dimiss/ridicule those who claim to have seen one, nor do I beleive science is the end all/be all tool of observation/confirmation.

There’s just way too much going on in this universe for science to have it all figured out imo.
I think it just relies on if something with mass can exceed the speed of light, while safely traveling such an insane amount of distance...
While maintaining life.
In a certain amount of time.
due to life span.

Also shouldn't there be more rovers or equivalent before the actual beings arrest hill billy jim and sodomize him for the laughs?

Field propulsion. Timestamped:

Their equivalent of our rovers may resemble aliens to us. People often describe some grey species (during abductions and encounters) as seemingly robotic in demeanor. It is possible they are an advanced manner of android, used for long range recon and experimentation in hostile environments.

Added to that, tons of UAP reports could potentially be probes and rovers of an advanced sort.
What’s scientism
Scientism is a religious view that makes unscientific claims in the name of science.

One example would be that it is impossible for a person who is grounded in science to believe something that hasn't been proven by science.

Basically, scientism will refute any claim made of any kind that has not been proven in the lab.

For an example of why that's wrong, they would have been the first to tell the wright brothers they were fools and idiots for believing men could fly before it was proven that they could fly.
Imagine being a superior species, and going out of your way to hide from us.
Scientism is a religious view that makes unscientific claims in the name of science.

One example would be that it is impossible for a person who is grounded in science to believe something that hasn't been proven by science.

Basically, scientism will refute any claim made of any kind that has not been proven in the lab.

For an example of why that's wrong, they would have been the first to tell the wright brothers they were fools and idiots for believing men could fly before it was proven that they could fly.

You're basically describing any self proclaimed "skeptic". They all behave that way.

Most are actually just establishment loyalists, not true skeptics, as they never equally apply their skepticism to claims made by the establishment (I often use Hitler's death as a litmus test for this. They all believe that story despite a complete lack of hard evidence. It shows their inconsistency outright, because they don't vigorously demand proof for that story before believing it. Why? Because authority told them to believe it, and, for authority, they obey).

They're any lying government's best ally.
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There’s just way too much going on in this universe for science to have it all figured out imo.
Science doesn't claim to have it all figured out.

Scientism is a religious view
How is it a religious view?

You're basically describing any self proclaimed "skeptic". They all behave that way.

Most are actually just establishment loyalists, not true skeptics, as they never equally apply their skepticism to claims made by the establishment (I often use Hitler's death as a litmus test for this. They all believe that story despite a complete lack of hard evidence. It shows their inconsistency outright, because they don't vigorously demand proof for that story before believing it. Why? Because authority told them to believe it, and, for authority, they obey).

They're any lying government's best ally.
What do you think happened to Hitler?
Imagine being a superior species, and going out of your way to hide from us.
Probably the smart move. We’re told there is alien life and the first thing we think about is how to clap them cheeks.
What do you think happened to Hitler?

I don't know. It wouldn't surprise me if he either died in that bunker or escaped to SAmerica or Antarctica.

Point is that the official story is hardly every scrutinized by skeptics in the same manner that they would feverishly scrutinize any fringe topic - proving they're not actually skeptics, just establishment loyalists.
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Science doesn't claim to have it all figured out.

How is it a religious view?

What do you think happened to Hitler?
its religious in the sense that it goes beyond what science can claim and gives it a magical kind of faith that is not warranted. its not a criticism of science or the scientific method in any way.