Is it socially acceptable for over 30s men to be overweight?

Socially acceptable if you have money, otherwise tolerated because it's the norm.
Disciplined guys should not have pot bellies in their 30's. That's just lazy . Generally metabolism is still fast, so if you do some exercise, you won't have a pot belly.
Of course if you drink beer all they long and sit on your ass, what do you expect?
This is the average sized man in the US. Almost 200 pounds
For some reason, I don't feel any pressure or insecurity about being overweight unlike back then. My gut sticks out a bit but still put a smile on my face. So, I can't help but wonder whether if that as you age, you just don't care anymore. Right?

I'm kinda like this now (random pic).


It's not socially acceptable... some people are just lazy slobs.
Probably acceptable. But awful. I mean the dude in the pic isn’t fat, I’d say he’s out of shape though. I’m not a narcissist, but I’ve been taking care of myself so long I couldn’t imagine being out of shape. I ate like a pig on Sunday for the Super Bowl and felt like shit for two days.
It depends on your circle.

My friends all train, we all stay active, hit up the beach, etc. We are 30.

We shit on each other for getting a little fat. There is a higher standard.
Who gives a shit what others think. If they don't like what they see, give em the finger followed by a nice view of your fat ass.
No, It;s gross and boys we need to amp it up please.
For some reason, I don't feel any pressure or insecurity about being overweight unlike back then. My gut sticks out a bit but still put a smile on my face. So, I can't help but wonder whether if that as you age, you just don't care anymore. Right?

I'm kinda like this now (random pic).

Hit the gym, fatty! Just playing.

All you need to do is IF.
Socially acceptable as in you don’t get abused in the street? Probably. Rightfully so. Same for women in their 20s. It shouldnt be encouraged though. Not going to hate on my overweight Sherbros but I would encourage everyone male or female, young or old to put their best foot forward and do something about their weight if they are overweight. Start with small steps, a little less sugar in the drinks and a little more steps in the street.

The world needs you, your family needs you. They need the most healthy version of you possible. Wake up tomorrow in better shape then you were yesterday. That’s all you need to do. Aim to do a little bit better today then you did yesterday

People shouldn’t be shamed for being fat. They should absolutely be encourage to do something about being at a unhealthy weight
Hotdammit! Your rant inspired me to stop jerking off while eating Flaming Hot Cheetos and drinking grape drink!

From now on, I will jerk off and eat Flaming Hot Cheetos and drink grape drink separately.
Not in America.
However, it's always a good idea to be in shape to be harder to kill or to run for your life.
When ya need to do one or the other, you need to do it very well.