Is jogging an indefinite pace?


Gold Belt
Aug 30, 2014
Reaction score
Is jogging a pace you can maintain indefinitely? I jogged 3 miles today after jogging 2 on Friday and it wasn't much harder. Also recovered really quickly when it was over. It may not seem like much but propelling 300+lbs for any length of distance and time has to be forcing some kind of adaptation. It's definitely faster than walking or power walking.
Even if your lungs can hold up, your body will give out. Achilles strains are a major issue for me when I get to high miles. There are a lot of areas that can bother you from overuse (calves, knees, feet, etc.)
Even if your lungs can hold up, your body will give out. Achilles strains are a major issue for me when I get to high miles. There are a lot of areas that can bother you from overuse (calves, knees, feet, etc.)
Plus you'll run out of glycogen.
Even if your lungs can hold up, your body will give out. Achilles strains are a major issue for me when I get to high miles. There are a lot of areas that can bother you from overuse (calves, knees, feet, etc.)
See I've got Achilles tendinitis out of the gate but I don't feel it when I'm jogging and think it feels better after a jog. More elastic maybe.
See I've got Achilles tendinitis out of the gate but I don't feel it when I'm jogging and think it feels better after a jog. More elastic maybe.

Mine feels fine until it doesn't. I used to have it pinpointed down to when I try to increase speed on longer runs (3+ miles). I never got it going at a jog pace until recently. It hit me at about mile 5 when I was supposed to be going 8 miles.
Mine feels fine until it doesn't. I used to have it pinpointed down to when I try to increase speed on longer runs (3+ miles). I never got it going at a jog pace until recently. It hit me at about mile 5 when I was supposed to be going 8 miles.
Do you use an app to set distance and pace? The fitness thing on the iPhone is bullshit. I know factually the path is 3.3 miles and it said I went 5.75. Also way more steps than it should have been.
Do you use an app to set distance and pace? The fitness thing on the iPhone is bullshit. I know factually the path is 3.3 miles and it said I went 5.75. Also way more steps than it should have been.

I use Map My Run which is an Under Armour app. I've got it set up to just give updates at each 1/2 mile. It will tell overall pace and pace for the last half mile in addition to distance/time.
Running sucked after frying my legs the day prior with burpees and air squats. Definitely not an indefinite pace when you're fatigued from other work. Still got 3 miles in though.
Running sucked after frying my legs the day prior with burpees and air squats. Definitely not an indefinite pace when you're fatigued from other work. Still got 3 miles in though.

Good work bro. Jogging 3 miles at your size is great. To answer your OP, yes jogging (like any activity below your anaerobic threshold) is in theory a pace you can sustain indefinitely, as long as you have enough glycogen in your system to keep moving. I say in theory because in practice your muscles will fatigue at some point, but where that point is depends on how much conditioning you've done and how adapted your body is to that specific exercise.

We've talked about this in other threads but I strongly recommend you wear a HR monitor during your runs. Yes the iphone fitness tracker sucks. HR watch will record your HR during the run and also tell you the exact distance, pace, speed, etc. If you stick to the same 3 mile course, you'll be able to track your progress over time. The lower your HR at a given pace, the better shape you're in and you should also see improvements in your resting HR.
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At that weight, id probably rather do bike, rowing machine, swimming etc. to save the knees from unneccesary strain. They say running is not good for the knees even at a relatevly low bodyweight.Especially if youre running on a hard surface. Better to think long term.
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At that weight, id probably rather do bike, rowing machine, swimming etc. to save the knees from unneccesary strain. They say running is not good for the knees even at a relatevly low bodyweight.Especially if youre running on a hard surface. Better to think long term.
I only run every other day and I've got some decent road running shoes from Salomon. If running wasn't part of my future employment, I'd be doing something lower impact.
Ok tried runs about 12 hours apart without sleep or eating and poor hydration. Was a shit idea lol.
Ok tried runs about 12 hours apart without sleep or eating and poor hydration. Was a shit idea lol.

Dude stop trolling yourself. You've been talking about improving your running ability on here for years and you know the only way that's going to happen is if you train consistently but without overdoing it.
stop jogging 3 miles at 300 mother freaking pounds and just do some tempo runs a couple/few times per week. Do your burpees 1-2 times per week or you are going to fry yourself as you have already noted
stop jogging 3 miles at 300 mother freaking pounds and just do some tempo runs a couple/few times per week. Do your burpees 1-2 times per week or you are going to fry yourself as you have already noted
Yeah I've actually managed to get a head cold from overtraining. More isn't better and I'm old so I need to take recovery into consideration.
Yeah I've actually managed to get a head cold from overtraining. More isn't better and I'm old so I need to take recovery into consideration.

This is for you Sherbro.
I'm surprised you aren't running into achilles/calf issues or shin splints. I'm under 200 and that's a recurring problem for me. I'm actually dealing with it right now and recently I haven't ran over 2.5 miles and I'm on a padded track. It seems to get worse every year for me.
There is a little rule of thumb when running to try and stay injury free, it is the 48 hour rule. Make sure you have 48 hours in-between runs. I do this when I can, but can't always just do to evening activities.
