Is Jon Jones the most hated fighter of all time?


Brown Belt
Jun 18, 2008
Reaction score
The controversies and law breaking cases he has on his record and his sociopathic lies, and the fact that his delusional fans still think he is the greatest after all the failed drug tests is what makes him the most hated. The controversies not only include all the PEDs and hiding under the cage but also the timing of waiting for an aging/washed up opponent and ducking fierce competitors in their prime.

There have been fighters in the past that did f’ed up things but none of them come close to the f’ed up things Jones has done. His fans defend him by saying “Steroids don’t make you fa better fighter.” I’m a Vitor fan but I admit that his record wouldn’t be as great if he fought his whole career without PEDs.

Colby Covington is in the UFC. Jon has been shooting Tbol, getting wasted and randomly firing guns in the middle of a city, smashing his car into pregnant women, poking people in the eyes, and beat up his gf, and he doesn't get anywhere near as much hate as the dude who made a corny gimmick and wears colonial costumes to hurt people's feelings. People will forgive serious crimes, but hurt feelings last forever.

Ron Drowsy is also pretty universally hated.
He’s the greatest fighter of all time.

Greats have been hated on since combat sports infancy for outside of the cage/ring antics (ie Tyson, Mayweather, Ali). He is the best to ever fight in a cage period…it’s an indisputable fact. Haters are going to hate but the stats will live forever.
Stipes last win was in 2020.

We can only tolerate so much.
It's hard to measure. Conor, Ronda, Jon and Colby seem to be the Mount Rushmore of most hated in recent history.
There have been other fighters who were worse people. But Jones probably wins for most people hating him because of how talented he was. Hell, the running a red light and smashing into a pregnant woman's SUV then fleeing the scene is near the top of the scumbag scale. Not my GOAT!
There have been other fighters who were worse people. But Jones probably wins for most people hating him because of how talented he was. Hell, the running a red light and smashing into a pregnant woman's SUV then fleeing the scene is near the top of the scumbag scale. Not my GOAT!

He did not intentionally hit a pregnant women. He got in a car accident with another driver who happened to be a pregnant female.

When people get in car accidents the person they hit is random.

The car did not have a giant sign that said "PREGNANT WOMAN".
Conor and Ronda are pretty close. Some green name should make a poll with the 3.
The Ronda hate on Sherdog during her prime was fierce, I will say that.
That asshole wins.

If he lost like Ronda did. He’d never rebound. People think Ronda’s pysche was fragile.

This lowlife, cheating, clown is a coward of the highest order.

Why would a person cheat? To win, I assume. But you don’t have enough faith in yourself to do it clean?

He’s never been good enough, and he knew it..




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There have been other fighters who were worse people. But Jones probably wins for most people hating him because of how talented he was. Hell, the running a red light and smashing into a pregnant woman's SUV then fleeing the scene is near the top of the scumbag scale. Not my GOAT!
Running a red light and not following traffic laws is very bad. Fleeing the scene is a real total piece of shit thing to do. The hyperbole around the whole pregnant woman thing makes me kind of laugh though when I see it. Like Jon intentionally targeted a pregnant woman to smash his vehicle into.