Is nature intrinsically good, bad or neutral?

Is nature intrinsically good, bad or neutral?

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The one who doesn't fall, doesn't stand up.
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
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I believe it's neutral, I don't think nature has any stake of what happens or what occurs it just is.

I also believe what human beings are doing to nature is just a natural process. (We are essentially part of nature imo.) We just end up consuming so much of this planet because we multiplied substantially as a species.

That the planet can't sustain us for a long period of time. The planet will be fine when it's all said and done, but what we're doing to this planet is going to haunt us big time in the end.

Well that's just my take on it, only time will tell now. If I'm even still alive to see what happens. But I doubt it.
Option 4: GOAT.

Like any other "primal" force, it is neutral overall. It be what it be.
I look at earth as a living entity.

It has a circulatory system: rivers, brooks

It has an exceretory system: volcanos

Respiratory system: O2 cycle, storms

And just like anything else, it's function is to survive. If that forces it to fight off something threatenting it, it has mechanisms to do so, such as cataclysmic events.

We are just a piece of that larger system.
If we become overly harmful, we will be dispatched & the larger system will LIKELY survive just fine and in terms of the time cycles of the larger system, recuperate back to full function in a relatively short time.

1. : a circular symbol that depicts a snake or dragon devouring its own tail and that is used especially to represent the eternal cycle of destruction and rebirth.

Chaos & Order, Yin & Yang, Life & Death...

Your Moniker change unshackled this classic in my head; I feel better now.
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Nature is neither good nor bad, it just is.

But individual animals and species can have feelings, do good things etc..

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Heroic monkey: Monkey saves 'dying' friend at train station in India

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The Universe ebbs and flows.

Going the "what is good" and what is evil" route tends to be an unanswerable rabbit hole horrible people use to justify whatever wild shit they do. But taking the question at face value the reason life on earth is possible is because of Earths very unique conditions and these conditions being maintained is a prereq for our continued existence.
Neutral but brutal. The concept of prey and predators is messed up. Why can't we all just get along without starving?
The term nature is quite vague. A lot of people describe it as just anywhere or the influence of humans is unseen, but I disagree. Like you, I think humans manipulating their environment is just as natural as trees growing in the woods.

Nature just describes particles/more complex structures moving and acting through space-time. It doesn't really have a moral alignment, just some fundamental rules (gravity, thermal dynamics, etc) that it seems to follow.