Is Rum-Hangover the worst type of hangover?

Cognac and gin for me was the worst hangover I've ever had in my life.
As a non drinker, seeing so many of you recall stories of drinking excessively and getting wrecked the next day is intriguing.

Unless it tastes good, why are you drinking so much of it?
Assuming you are doing it to get smashed, there are a lot quicker (and cheaper) ways to get inebriated.

On the topic at hand, I have only ever drank once (a shot of wiskey) and it tasted like gasoline to a novice like me. My buddies will normally drink a small bottle each (the plastic 375ml Wisers) when we go out for dinner, and they seem relatively unaffected.

Random anecdotal observation:

Rum makes for a mean drunk
Whiskey makes for a quiet/introspective drunk
Vodka makes for a happy drunk.

This may also be a cultural thing, as it is normally Caribbean friends who drink rum, russian's who drink vodka etc.

In the hands of someone who knows what they are doing it is delicious.

Women appear more beautiful.
Music sounds better.
Food tastes better.
Everything is hilarious.
You feel like you can't lose.

Women appear more beautiful.
You feel a powerful urge to operate automobiles and motorbikes.
You feel like you can't lose.
Opiate hangovers are worse.

Kratom (which is an opioid) gives me a hangover 48 hours later. Well it feels just like the flu or a hangover but I realize it's a withdrawal.

I use Kratom regularly because it gives me hours of a warm euphoria and kills my nagging pains. Unfortunately I know a hungover type feeling is going to get me 48 hours later.

Anyone know if there's a way to treat the withdrawal symptoms?
Rum doesn't give me bad hangovers, to be fair. My body must be so used to it by now!
Me and my friend drank 2 26ers one lambs navy and one lambs white. I was literally sick all day the next day, worst hangover ever. I remember this old guy telling me rum gave the worst hangovers cuz it has tons of sugar.
Anybody ever drank Royal Reserve? (R&R) prettyy sure it's Canadian whiskey it comes with a sticker on the bottle.. Worst whiskey ever.
cheap vodka is the worst


Most posts in this thread are myth based. Hangovers are a product of dehydration and nutrient deficiencies. Alcohol is alcohol; no matter the form.
I've had hangovers from all kinds of different forms of alcohol. Whiskey, rum, vodka, tequila, beer of all different types, good wine, cheap wine, moonshine, you name it. All hangovers suck. I think the worst one I've ever had was after a night of drinking cheap wine in bars in Fort Worth, Texas. I really didn't get all that drunk either. The next morning we had to make the long 18 hour trek back to Georgia and that was without a doubt the worst long drive I have ever been on. The hangover might not have been so bad if I'd been able to sleep some of it off instead of just getting right on the road early. So for me, the cheap wine hangover sucks the worst. I had a pretty memorable hangover from cheap vodka once when I was about 16 also. When I say cheap vodka, I mean 100 proof Mr. Boston, about as cheap as you can get. I didn't like that one either. One of the worst headaches I ever had.
Jager bombs will fuck you up real good the next day.
As a non drinker, seeing so many of you recall stories of drinking excessively and getting wrecked the next day is intriguing.

Continuing to drink is the only cure for a hangover. That's why you never see guys on a stag weekend hanging on the second day, it's because they are carrying on drinking.
But when that stops is where the problem begins.
But you can taper down, although that needs to be done very skillfully.

The safest way is to gradually reduce alcohol intake. If you are coming off a two day bender, the worst thing you can do is just stop drinking.
200ml isn't that much.

When my last flatmate moved in she brought a litre bottle of sailor Jerry's and we finished the whole thing in one night.

My worst hangovers are mixing wine with anything else.
My worst hangover was a combo of drinking long hours of beer then hitting a rum bottle and chasing it with some random chick type liquor.

But my close number two was cheap tequila (walmart bottom shelf) and i haven't touched any tequila in probably 8 years because of that night. So pound 4 pound i'd say tequila is the worst.
This is basically correct. Look up congeners. Though I would say "the darker the color"...:cool:

Smokey: Older the berry, the sweeter the juice. Craig Jones: Man, it's the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice. Smokey: Yeah, well she blacker than a motherfucker too
Hydration has a lot to with it.

One of my worst hangovers was from drinking countless pitchers of Tiger beer for hours in Singapore. I wasn't eating much and I forgot about taking water breaks.