Is this Cutural Appropriation? Who is in teh right here?

would you consider it "cultural appropriation" by either side?

I tried to be circumspect with my previous comment but I'll be more direct.

These 2 men had a disagreement over an issue and resolved it days ago. There's no point to this thread now except to stir up coded racial conflict.

Why do we need to re-fight an issue when the 2 parties to that issue have already resolved it themselves without fighting? We should all read Lin's response to K-Mart and learn from it. :(
I tried to be circumspect with my previous comment but I'll be more direct.

These 2 men had a disagreement over an issue and resolved it days ago. There's no point to this thread now except to stir up coded racial conflict.

Why do we need to re-fight an issue when the 2 parties to that issue have already resolved it themselves without fighting? We should all read Lin's response to K-Mart and learn from it. :(

Sorry Pan, no evil intent on my part, and no coded langague to stir up shit.

I"m late to the party....I just found out about this...

thanks for your opinion though.