Is trick or treating dying?

It's one of the things in my area that's actually become way more popular post covid.

Pre covid it was rare to see people actually decorate the front yard for halloween (or if they did it was setup the night before or day of halloween).

Now there's like at least 7 to 10 houses on every single street that are already lite up and decorated weeks before
Well, there is still a bit of concern over COVID for some folks.

Other than that, it's likely just the neighborhood aging out. It comes in waves. I've been in my area for a while, and it seems to dip and then rise every few years.
Gen Alpha? Looked it up. Why do they get such a good Gen name compared everyone else? Because they ain’t gonna be alpha’s for the most part.
It’s like calling a fat dude Tiny.
It was pretty light this year, but I suspect it being on a Tuesday has more to do with it.

What I do notice is that costumes suck these days, it's like the kids and parents aren't even trying.
We had zero trick or treaters in my whole neighborhood last night and I say good on that!
The sooner we completely do away with this blaspheme filled demonic paganalia the better we will all be as a society
You got to get out of the ghetto.
We had around 10 groups of rapscallions visit us for treats yesterday. There was a time when it was over 50. Kind of sad. I like seeing the little goofballs all dressed up and bantering with their parents. Miss taking ours out for trick or treating.
we got tons of kids last night. one thing I’ve noticed though is every year they seem to start earlier and pretty much done by 8;30. when I was a kid, my parents never accompanied us, we also stayed out until at least 10
No. Everyone goes to certain upperclass neighborhoods . I saw a million kids out last night but they were all concentrated in a few places.

Those neighborhoods know they are the Halloween neighborhoods too and they go all out.

Made out like a bandit last night and had a great time.
Not a single trick or treater at my house last night except for my niece…haven’t had one in probably 5 years. Most of the houses around me are summer homes so most houses are empty right now.

People from here drive to a more crowded area to get their candy and it becomes a zoo. They even have cops to navigate the traffic.
Before the pandemic I thought it was dying too. I had years where only 10 or so kids came.

But last night my doorbell was ringing every 3 minutes. Maybe 60 kids or so all night.
My neighborhood is pretty mid, but I know it's been popular to go to the richer areas for better goodies
The towns with lots of neighboring houses still get tons of kids around here. There's good parental organization and community participation for it.

There's a few spots within the school district that all of the kids hit, and it's entirely safe aside from mischievous HS kids doing mischievous HS shit (which, for here, isn't anything to be worried about).
Had a ton of kids last night. More than we have had in a long time.

Also had kids that were older than they typical ToTers, I assume its kids who didn't get a chance to go during Covid. So, they continue well into middle/high school.

Also, this was the first time I've noticed kids piling into a Suburban and being driven around by parents and dropped off at our neighborhood.
Good riddance, imo. What a shitty tradition. Little fuckers had an excuse to commit crime. You better give them delicious candies or they'll empty the air from your cars tires or even slash them. Fucking cunts
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In San Diego everyone takes their kids to the same five neighborhoods to trick or treat. We hardly get any in my neighborhood. Seriously people read up on what neighborhoods go all out on Halloween and people will drive their kids across town.

When I was growing up in Chicago we never left our neighborhood. Everyone got on just fine in their own area.
I’ve got a pretty steep driveway.

The night before, I coat it with a nice silicone-based lubricant.

I make sure all my lights are on, as this is a Halloween-friendly home.
It's become a lot bigger in Australia in the last 10 years I reckon, took my 8 year old the other night. No one toilet papers houses or anything though, it's just little kids getting lollies, they love it so it's all good
I don't think it's dying at all. We had a bunch of kids, the weather was cold but not windy , which helped. About an hour in could see the bottom of the candy bowl. Then started giving only one piece. Ran out quick, lucky had some lindor chocolates, about 20. Ran out of those and gave out a package of pocky sticks
I don't have any kids yet or anything, but every Halloween I go over to my parents to help with handing out candy, and there's a few things I noticed.

Last year, most kids and families would no longer walk up and knock, even with all the lights on. Same for this year, it seems they won't bother unless you're physically set-up outside handing things out.

Even after setting up outside this year, the numbers were much more sparse. About 2-3 years ago, we received 100+ trick or treaters. This and last year, probably barely 40.

I'm thinking it's a combination of
A. The Neighborhood aging out
B. The rising popularity of trunk or treating and other events.

Anybody else noticing the same things?

I counted 30x kids this year. I think covid scamdemic is still on people's minds but Halloween parties didn't stop. Not as epic though as it was.