"Islam has no future for our society"

I just watched this and I think I missed the part where he said "Islam as no future in our society", I was listening to it in the background. He touches on his beliefs about the problems with Islam and how they're deeply embedded but even he says that they're not insurmountable and he praises Maajid's answer at the end. If I did miss it please tell me where he says it in the video.

If you like the society that Islam has produced please move back to your parents shithole of a country.
Unfortunately, Islam is the future and they will not even have to fight to gain it.
No. No it isn't. It's losing its shine to more and more people with each enrichment. The religion of piece moniker isn't sticking either. No need to give in.

Very good video that gets right to the point please watch as this is a very important subject. Thoughts people?

Religion as a whole needs to stay IN churches and homes. It belongs NOWHERE else. It’s the scourge of society.
Wait, so you are arguing that Western society shouldn’t become part of the caliphate???

Way to go out on a limb there, TS. You must be a man of incredible integrity to embrace such a brave and controversial position here in the WR.

You have all the answers I guess. tell us more. please
African Christians are doing fine, muslims may outnumber christians by a slight margin but not much due to southern africa.

Did I really have to specify that I was referring to 1st world countries?
Its a religion that goes back 1400 years and has a billion people. We are going to be a part of your society and many more societies. Get use to it.
And the majority of white christian/athiests support the genocide, enslavement and rape of every other major race on earth.. u have done it to the red man, black man, jews, yellow man and now the brown man..they also actually support and defend the decision to nuke cities full civilians.. seriously fuck you racist pricks. Now go watch your "protected" women get outbred on blacked dot com or something.

Islam is a religion not a race you wanker. You can't be racist against a religion. Islam is trash and the whole world sees it.
Its a religion that goes back 1400 years and has a billion people. We are going to be a part of your society and many more societies. Get use to it.

Islam is fucking trash and the world is waking up to it.
There are like a billion muslims. If a majority of muslims were killers, we would have more deaths than a few thousand or whatever a year.

Killing among varying sects of islam is probably higher than non muslims.
That is because they don’t view the other groups as real Muslims. There are so many different interpretations of who is a real Muslim.
My muslim Bangladeshi neighbor mows my lawn when I travel and brings me a box of sweets at the end of Ramadan..... still waiting for him to firebomb me for being a non believer.

Seriously though, speaking in absolutes is both dangerous and disingenuous. Islam has its problems, but not every muslim is looking to kill all infidels.
Being in Canada or the US we are lucky we live far enough away from the middle east. I work in brampton, muslims there for the most part love their money more than their religion.
Islam is a religion not a race you wanker. You can't be racist against a religion. Islam is trash and the whole world sees it.

But yet still somehow homogenic enough for alot you twats to generalize a billion people right?.. See this is how it starts, the closet racists start talking about the religion, then it's the followers which are actual people and. But go ahead get back to your stormfront chatter aint gonna make a difference

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