It just doesn't feel the same anymore guys...

Rogan/ Goldberg

1 badass card a month, stacked from top to bottom, even the prelims

You were hyped all month for it, anticipation building day by day before fight night.

Every Hooters/ BWW packed with fight fans cheering with you

Spider, Rampage, BJ, GSP, Chuck, Bisping, Rich Franklin, Hendo, Shogun, Bork, Big Nog etc

There was something magical about the spectacle back then, that just isn't there anymore.

Anyone remember those days?

Waaaa, waaaaaaaaaaaa, waaaaa.

I have even more bad news. A lot of good friends will fade into non contact over time, life will grow progressively more difficult as your body begins to wear out, and you will eventually die. Or maybe you'll die soon. No one knows. Definitely gonna die though. Everyone you know will grow old and die.

Welcome to life babe.
Thanks for sharing that bud. I echo your thoughts, change just happens over time, it makes you appreciate what once was that much more though.

I’m still a massive MMA fan don’t get me wrong, and I always will be, the golden age though in my opinion was hands down 2006-2011.
I agree almost, I would say 2004- 2013 but I'm also still a big fan.

For me all the bs outside the cage though and people being more excited about press conference drama and UFC finances instead of just being stoked about how the fighters styles match up and being excited to see how the fight plays out has also started wearing on me and making it harder to stay as invested in the sport as I once was.

Between the years I mentioned I rarely missed a fight among any if the bigger promotions but now it's not such a huge priority to me.
This was normal back then....

UFC 74
UFC 31
UFC 100
Gtfo....Ultimate fight nights on SpikeTV were better than many of today's 80 bucks shitty ppvs. And its normal....Its hard to keep quality when you suddenly want to increase volume at the same time. Just look at Tesla with their model 3 ...its selling good but is a nightmare full of recalls.

The fox deal forced the ufc to have a crazy amount of fighters without promoting or developing them . There are so many fighters and so many events that i cant keep up with them. They needed a large roster to fulfill the number of events along with ppv. Its not the same you ufc shills. No midget divisions nor mma....those were the days.
First show i saw was ufc 66

Okami, Gonzaga, Bisping, Arlovski, Leben, Griffin, Jardine, Chuck ko'd Tito

Fucking wild
The time described in the OP was when MMA was still in the rapid growth stage. Lots of casuals hopping on and lots of buzz. MMA isn't dying, but I do feel that is has plateaud. There will be the occasional McGregor type who crosses over and creates mainstream attention, but by and large I think what we're seeing now is MMA settling into it's niche in the sporting world.
I understand the fondness for nostalgia but I'd never go back to the "good old days". They were fun but c'mon, waiting a month or two in between events? There was nothing great about that. Not IMO anyhow.
I love the fact that there's a card nearly every week now. Sure, that means that we have to watch a lot of fighters that we don't know on the prelims but then, it wasn't that long ago that people were ambivalent about a skinny Irishman with two or three losses taking up valuable space on shows & he turned out to be pretty popular after a while.
Sure, our anticipation was naturally higher back when the events were less frequent but I'm happy to be passed that stage. I may be in the minority but I'm even more of a die-hard MMA fan than I've ever been & I've been a fan since November of 1993 when modern MMA was born.
I thought everyone was over the UFC and the lack of stacked events now? I take what I can get these days and whenever there is a stacked card I get a 12 pack and get nostalgic for days long gone.

Now its on ESPN with a bunch of padding and grooming match making with football playing sissies and Instagram models.
Wise1 has it all wrong.

I think the main point is how saturated the UFC and mma has become as a whole.

No doubt the more MMA there is, the more watered down it’s bound to be. Back in the day it was Pride. UFC sucked and there was maybe... King of the Cage or whatever.

We just have a lot more fighters now so it’s bound to get a little redundant and too familiar.
The Pride vs UFC debates were legendary back then. Exciting times as we slowly started to see the talent merge.

IMHO, there was no debate, Pride was clearly better and had better fighters and rules compared to the UFC back in the day.
I think you're looking back with some rose colored glasses. There was never a top to bottom stacked card once a month. Never. Even back in the day, before MMA PPVs were as saturated as they are now, the super stacked cards with multiple title fights/contender fights would happen once every 3 months at most because they had a much smaller roster and only like 5-10 PPVs a year.
I blame it on the women fighting. It ruined it, and Rousey is proof. Gone are the days.