"It`s all you, bro!"

Those vids make me so tired. The most irritating thing, I think, is that there are some semi-strong looking beach guys around this little earthworm-looking guy, and none of them think to go "let me try!" and hop in the hammer strength machine. Doing this would immediately reveal that Joe isn't strong at all, of course.

The fact that he even thinks that a one rep max on a fucking Hammer Strength Machine actually matters instantly reveals that he is not strong.

Or to quote Smith, "No-one asks what you can lift on a leg extension. And if they did, you should'nt care what they think anyway.":rolleyes:
bah KT he doesn't care about being strong, he is doing it for the chicks.

btw his leg extention numbers are at least 50 lbs.
Maybe the guy has legit DS and his buddies were just trying give him a happy day.
I like that he feigns a stoic reserve after each lift, when you know his pride is brimming on the inside. It's cool he's 65 and lifting heavy (I guess...), but there's too much funny going on in the video to take him serious.
Those Like a Boss vids have to be a joke. The username is gymidiots for christ sake. I call joke! A great one though.
We should make up some "It's all you bro" "S&C 2011" T-shirts. Or tank tops, even.
Additionally, we should have a bench press competition, using teams of 4, who can bench the most weight. First to 2000 wins.
Check out the weightlifting segment in this vid starting at the :25 mark. Lucky they also have good rehab facilities there!

Check out the weightlifting segment in this vid starting at the :25 mark. Lucky they also have good rehab facilities there!

That's bananas!

I love the awful training immediately followed by all the poor dumb buggers getting their injuries tended to.
WTF to the gymidoits vids!...The bench kid had to be a tennis player or something, something that involves strengthening one side of the body and neglecting the other.
WTF to the gymidoits vids!...The bench kid had to be a tennis player or something, something that involves strengthening one side of the body and neglecting the other.

or masturbating a lot.
