International Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni finally splits from her embarrassingly sexist partner

First two comments were sophomoric jokes or light flirting. Which is stupid to even mention. Oh no he made a double entendre.

The rape comment while obviously not great to say the least can be restated as women should not drink heavily to reduce chances of being SA'ed. Because how much SA happens due to that? A lot. The ultimate fault always stays with the rapist however lines often get blurred when both men and women drink heavily or at all. Sometimes common sense advice and statements get blurred with excusing criminal behavior by social justice warriors.

People get separated and divorced for all sorts of reasons but this honestly feels a bit stretched like she was already looking for an excuse.

https://www.facebook. com/reel/1380055866252375?s=yWDuG2&fs=e&mibextid=Nif5oz
The guy is not even able to keep his fuckin mouth close.
Is that Berlusconi?