It's been three years since Obama's biggest scandal . . .

"How do you think the Chief's review is going to go?"
"He'll get a medal"
"And those Delta guys?"
"Medals, all of them"
"What about us?"
"We get to go home"

I'm still gotten to on a personal level, probably because I have friends that work for groups like Academi, that no one has gotten sent to jail yet over that shit.

god, we must be in the worst timeline, where I can't merely hate John Krasinski just for being Jim. FUCK

Know what two movies are real trips to walk back and watch? Platoon and Black Hawk Down. So many famous dudes in both of them that were basically unknown at the time.

Johnny Drama, with two guys? Are they actors?
you guys dont though. you get triggered by everything lol

You sound triggered by my thread highlighting Obama's treason suit. Why are you so mad at me? Are you in love with Obama?
im not, im just saying u guys want equal retarded right wing threads about SJWs dumped too. but when it benefits you side its satire. lol

k faq

The different between those threads and this One, is those threads take themselves very seriously :p
You sound triggered by my thread highlighting Obama's treason suit. Why are you so mad at me? Are you in love with Obama?

Obama could literally wear odd socks and these hacks would defend him.
He gave us Snowden. It was Obama's ruthless spying on the american public that pushed him over the edge
I like the tan suit .. but lol@this was obama's biggest scandal .. obama is a snake and has dirt all over him .. just because you don't hear about it doesn't mean he doesn't have scandals .. he's just been shielded by the media who basically lick his ballsack any chance they get
im not triggered. just seems dump worthy

notwell versed n the subject. I know that a forun can choose what speech is allowed in their message board and can dump threads based on their words. But to my understanding free speech was protected by an amendment in the U.S.? so why is it that they can dump threads based on what they say, but they cant ban posters based on their religion, which is also protected by the first amendment. Wonder if someone more knowledgable on American law and
Are you lost? Or maybe you need help crossing the street? Did your mommy and daddy leave you alone in the mall again hoping you'd get kidnapped?
Did someone shit in your cornflakes this morning? You're even worse than normal today.
Did someone shit in your cornflakes this morning? You're even worse than normal today.

Take your deflections somewhere else.

We're busy reflecting on Obama trying to get away with a taupe suit. But real patriots like me weren't having that noise!

I'm surrounded by snowflakes!! EVERYONE IS TRIGGERED!! MAGA MAGA MAGA!!!!

Not to derail the thread, but a straight jacket would cause me to go crazy beyond belief. It makes me feel a little unhinged just thinking about it.

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