Media Jéssica Andrade makes a NUDE sacrifice offering her negativity to the god Orixas

90% of South America is Christian and I agree that is why it is messed up. Fucking Christians.
not really. Catholicism is pagan esp. when combined with sycretism with local occult practices like Santa Muerte, the patron saint of the drug cartels who sacrifice their victims to her.
not really. Catholicism is pagan esp. when combined with sycretism with local occult practices like Santa Muerte, the patron saint of the drug cartels who sacrifice their victims to her.

So you agree with me.......
The fighter takes a bath with herbs, leaves and grains to "clean her body and take away any negativity" and then goes through a period of time that she considers a personal sacrifice in the name of the orixás(Umbanda divinities) to which she feels more attached.


"They are sacrifices that we do for the Orixá and for the religion, to become cleaner people. We sleep on a mat, with no pillow, with nothing, just a piece of cloth. You can't eat meat, you have to wear only white, no dark clothing, you have to cover the ori, which is a part of your head, you get close to a bar, you can't watch violent things. It's a moment in which we are totally taken back to totally cleanse ourselves and begin a new trajectory."

Can't watch violent things? I guess no fight pass for Andrade.

"I became a much better person after I became religious. People say: Oh, she's doing macumba[generic term for African-Brazilian religions, sometimes used in a pejorative way] to win the fights! No. All I do is a lot of training."


The god feeds on negativity. Its USADA approved, what other fighters could benefit from this this?


So... Someone who gets punched in the head and gets brain damage literally everyday, isn't an intellectual powerhouse? That's real news. Glad you posted this.
christianity is a simple explanation for a complex existence. it doesnt make any sense.
I'm not actually trying to get into a religious debate. I was just making a general point about people practicing religion and how we shouldn't have double standards.
The fighter takes a bath with herbs, leaves and grains to "clean her body and take away any negativity" and then goes through a period of time that she considers a personal sacrifice in the name of the orixás(Umbanda divinities) to which she feels more attached.


"They are sacrifices that we do for the Orixá and for the religion, to become cleaner people. We sleep on a mat, with no pillow, with nothing, just a piece of cloth. You can't eat meat, you have to wear only white, no dark clothing, you have to cover the ori, which is a part of your head, you get close to a bar, you can't watch violent things. It's a moment in which we are totally taken back to totally cleanse ourselves and begin a new trajectory."

Can't watch violent things? I guess no fight pass for Andrade.

"I became a much better person after I became religious. People say: Oh, she's doing macumba[generic term for African-Brazilian religions, sometimes used in a pejorative way] to win the fights! No. All I do is a lot of training."


The god feeds on negativity. Its USADA approved, what other fighters could benefit from this this?


"and then goes through a period"....Ewwwww...But whatever....
Fantastic movie. #2 was not as good but still kinda watchable.
I never thought Danny Houston could be a bad ass but he sure knocked it out of the park in that movie. Damn shame the sequel was a quick cash grab.
What year is it?

Primitive 3rd world bullcrap


I was raised in a third world country... The shit she posted is beyond the retards of third world country people doo..

There is a village in India where people believe in surviving off anything ... They believe in Black magic and eat shit ..dried shit off roads and from garbage stacks ..
First pagan champion !!! I had no idea !

Bring paganism back !! That shit is way cooler and happier than the let’s cry and hurt each other religions
european paganism is cool, the other continents, not so much tbh ngl
The fighter takes a bath with herbs, leaves and grains to "clean her body and take away any negativity" and then goes through a period of time that she considers a personal sacrifice in the name of the orixás(Umbanda divinities) to which she feels more attached.


"They are sacrifices that we do for the Orixá and for the religion, to become cleaner people. We sleep on a mat, with no pillow, with nothing, just a piece of cloth. You can't eat meat, you have to wear only white, no dark clothing, you have to cover the ori, which is a part of your head, you get close to a bar, you can't watch violent things. It's a moment in which we are totally taken back to totally cleanse ourselves and begin a new trajectory."

Can't watch violent things? I guess no fight pass for Andrade.

"I became a much better person after I became religious. People say: Oh, she's doing macumba[generic term for African-Brazilian religions, sometimes used in a pejorative way] to win the fights! No. All I do is a lot of training."


The god feeds on negativity. Its USADA approved, what other fighters could benefit from this this?



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