Media Jamahal Hill: "I was NOT knocked out", asked UFC for a fight the Monday after Pereira loss

You broke my heart my brother.
But notice I call you brother, not bro.

I don't know how you express yourselves in the projects but we dont talk like that.
Well I am sure when you find someone from those projects then they would address you Sir. Are you assuming I am from the projects? You came into this discussion with a name that may have ties to English struggles. You failed to comprehend English. You launced into race attacks. Interesting thing about that name you have. You seem to be a watered down self hating project turd yourself that swam to one. Self hatred is real
I thought you were a brave high ranked military man, my brother.

Not a brittle fink, my brother.
You can read the rules yourself dumny I don’t report you’re doing this to your watered down self. Bet you wish you could wash it out of you. Mad because no matter what you will always be a watered down speck of nothing caught between what you want to be and what was done. God still loves you boy. Bless your watered down heart
Im not running, my brother.
Its sat night you know.
I dont know how you do it in the slums, elsewhere its time for fun, not for dueling behind a greasy kfc flavored keyboard, my brother.
Since you are a watered down speck of nothing do you mind if I call you Mr. Speck or just Speck

I first smoked weed at 15. That was the 90s.
I had a few beers and whiskeys since then and that was it. It's the individual, not the substance.
I have always hated tweakers and junkies so I have sampled their wares approximately ZERO times.
Weed is not a gateway drug, but it is generally the first drug. Doesn't really mean anything, but it's probably the reason it gained that reputation in the first place. And only because alcohol isn't seen as a drug. Alcohol is the biggest and baddest gateway drug of all.

I first smoked weed at 15. That was the 90s.
I had a few beers and whiskeys since then and that was it. It's the individual, not the substance.
I have always hated tweakers and junkies so I have sampled their wares approximately ZERO times.

You still smoke?
Wait... We all saw his eyes turning multiple times
If he wasnt out... Was he enjoying the hits?
Kinda weird
IMO Hill's mentally broken. Im leaning toward saying he'll never win another meaningful fight again. Once you start believing the bullshit that comes out of your mouth - and I think he's getting to that point - you've lost a certain grip on reality that will not allow you to be honest with yourself. Thats not a good thing.

He probably thinks he is perfect without the need to ever evolve.

Reasons for losing is never on him, it's all force majeure
Thank you, my brother
May god bless you and your people too
Whatever people you may assume I am from are of God and already blessed.. May God bless humanity to better choices. Perhaps a little history from where you came would tell you that. Unless of course… You don’t know your history and in which case you have so much more to be worried about than me or my people or whatever. You are deficient in the minerals and vitamins of proper education to build. Stay right where you are or go back from whence you came. You will go no further. You’re already dead in the mind as well as the spirit so your blessings from your “god” hold no worth. Educate yourself my child
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Thank you, my brother
May god bless you and your people too
Don’t tell me you don’t know your history and understand all this explosive chatter you are simply a watered down slick talking non jumping one. Hayctor Hesus Cinco De Stinko or whatever you call yourself. You watered down musty river rat
Weed is not a gateway drug, but it is generally the first drug. Doesn't really mean anything, but it's probably the reason it gained that reputation in the first place. And only because alcohol isn't seen as a drug. Alcohol is the biggest and baddest gateway drug of all.
I'm a caseworker who primarily works with addicts or people in recovery on a daily basis.

I  have met people who were competely burnt stupid from just MJ use, but they've been so entirely few and far between the many functional and successful THC users AND always had co-occuring MH problems that to even suggest marijuana is some life killer is laughable. Especially, like you said, in the face of more dangerous substances that don't nearly share the same taboo