Joe NoBrain "I'm revising my thinking about this virus."

I have an otherwise cool friend posting COVID CT nonsense daily on her IG. It's baffling

I have a buddy who's always been heavy into CT bullshit but it's mostly harmless and I was able to ignore it. This shit has broken his brain. I'm big on getting along with people despite political differences but I have to draw the line at being a fucking idiot about the biggest public health crisis of our lifetime.
So you are taking the deathtoll which is 4k now, when also only around 7k of 180k infected in the US are declared recovered and get to the conclusion that it´s not a big deal?

14 days ago the US had around 10k known cases, it takes some time for people to die or recover, in a few weeks everyone will have a better understanding of where these numbers go, and if it will be bad or not (if hospitals can cope with the numbers or not).

But if you do nothing against the spread of the virus it will propably be millions of people infected by that time.

Right now is too soon for any conclusions, but it´s sure that the numbers will go up.

It's hard to put much stock in the numbers. There will be a lot more cases that aren't counted because most people probably get the sniffles or mild flu like symptoms and that's it. No testing.

So they won't count as registered cases, or recoveries.

I'd assume the majority of cases fall into that untested category.
Bro, you're stuck at home waiting for Trump bucks while real men like me actually go to work and keep the economy running. Nice cherry-picking too. Care to refute the other points I've made? And are you serious? You think you can get Coronavirus by "living your regular life"? What is corona virus on the air now homie? Jesus christ MOST sherbros are actual mouth-breathing morons.

You can't get corona virus from thin air. Calm down.

Wow you're a dumbass......Living your regular life means going out, meeting people, etc which can get you contaminated with coronavirus dumbass...Nobody is saying it's in the air.

What other points you made, that people die in car accidents? WTF? lol

You're a dumb motherfucker, glad society doesn't listen to your dumbass opinions.
Right, and society should listen to you? Go drink more koolaid homie and wait for your Trump bucks to come in because we both know you're not working right now. bork1}
Society says Im right....Society says you're an idiot.
Take it easy on Dan, I still need him to pump my gas

You’re doing gods work son, don’t let the brainwashed leftists tell you not to go to work
Who GIVES A FUCK. Do you know how many people die in the US from automobile accidents or from alcohol every year you stupid gullible fuck? I don't hear you giving up driving or drinking despite that number being almost 5 times higher than the projected Chinese Wuhan Corona virus.

"in 2012, 3.3 million deaths, or 5.9 percent of all global deaths (7.6 percent for men and 4.0 percent for women), were attributable to alcohol consumption.9"

3.3 MILLION DIED FROM ALCOHOL ACROSS THE GLOBE. And yet you are more scared of a Chinese flu. LMAO.

Now how about you go sit your stupid scared, brainwashed ass down and stay inside like a good boy.

You sound like a right tit
Who GIVES A FUCK. Do you know how many people die in the US from automobile accidents or from alcohol every year you stupid gullible fuck? I don't hear you giving up driving or drinking despite that number being almost 5 times higher than the projected Chinese Wuhan Corona virus.

"in 2012, 3.3 million deaths, or 5.9 percent of all global deaths (7.6 percent for men and 4.0 percent for women), were attributable to alcohol consumption.9"

3.3 MILLION DIED FROM ALCOHOL ACROSS THE GLOBE. And yet you are more scared of a Chinese flu. LMAO.

Now how about you go sit your stupid scared, brainwashed ass down and stay inside like a good boy.

Hey man I'm not gonna insult or swear, just try to put my point across.

Car accidents and alcohol don't cause one gigantic spike of deaths over a short period of time, which is what this virus will do if social distancing isn't implemented to flatten the curve. The danger of the virus is how quickly it overwhelms hospitals. A huge number of patients requiring the same ICU care and respirators.

In Italy, where hospitals were overwhelmed, people are lying in beds drowning slowly on their own lungs and doctors legitimately can do nothing but watch them die because they don't have enough equipment.

You don't get a huge, concentrated cluster of car accidents that overwhelms every trauma centre / ED at once preventing life saving care.

Alcohol kills a lot of people in a lot of different ways. Usually very very slowly after a lifetime of abuse and chronic disease. Liver failure, dialysis, heart disease, sudden heart attack, various cancers, accidents, including car accidents ( there's double counting in your figures). Again, it doesn't suddenly overwhelm and destroy health systems like an unchecked virus.

If the virus overwhelms the health system, guess what... it prevents the system being able to address everything else as well, making other causes of death worse.

If every ICU bed is taken for corona patients, guess what happens to those with chronic disease, or presenting to ED with sudden trauma (heart attack, car accident etc)?
You guys shitting on Rogan about this are the same losers bitching why Khabib and Tony fight should fight.

go home and stay with your families and wait this out.
Hey man I'm not gonna insult or swear, just try to put my point across.

Car accidents and alcohol don't cause one gigantic spike of deaths over a short period of time, which is what this virus will do if social distancing isn't implemented to flatten the curve. The danger of the virus is how quickly it overwhelms hospitals. A huge number of patients requiring the same ICU care and respirators.

In Italy, where hospitals were overwhelmed, people are lying in beds drowning slowly on their own lungs and doctors legitimately can do nothing but watch them die because they don't have enough equipment.

You don't get a huge, concentrated cluster of car accidents that overwhelms every trauma centre / ED at once preventing life saving care.

Alcohol kills a lot of people in a lot of different ways. Usually very very slowly after a lifetime of abuse and chronic disease. Liver failure, dialysis, heart disease, sudden heart attack, various cancers, accidents, including car accidents ( there's double counting in your figures). Again, it doesn't suddenly overwhelm and destroy health systems like an unchecked virus.

If the virus overwhelms the health system, guess what... it prevents the system being able to address everything else as well, making other causes of death worse.

If every ICU bed is taken for corona patients, guess what happens to those with chronic disease, or presenting to ED with sudden trauma (heart attack, car accident etc)?

Appreciate your well thought out and mature response. I understand all of this and agree with your points. The US shut everything down to combat this exact situation. With the lockdowns and quarantines in place, this should help curb the spread of the virus.

I've driven past two hospitals in the past week. Nothing is overflowing. I'm not debating that corona isn't a threat to anyone because it is. I'm trying to offer perspective. I don't agree with the overreaction and constant fear mongering like the entire world is going to collapse.My landlord is an oncologist. She reached out to me last week telling me that despite the hospitals filling up, things were under control and will get better in a few months. This is in SoCal so take that for what its worth.

We will get through this.
Wow you're a dumbass......Living your regular life means going out, meeting people, etc which can get you contaminated with coronavirus dumbass...Nobody is saying it's in the air.

What other points you made, that people die in car accidents? WTF? lol

You're a dumb motherfucker, glad society doesn't listen to your dumbass opinions.
Come on mate, you've joined Sherdog for a month now and you're already talking like this?

See.. Wedgaf what you guys are talking about, and still just by reading the words you wrote I kinda feel compelled to agree with him, no matter what.

Don't act like a spoiled brat.
Appreciate your well thought out and mature response. I understand all of this and agree with your points. The US shut everything down to combat this exact situation. With the lockdowns and quarantines in place, this should help curb the spread of the virus.

I've driven past two hospitals in the past week. Nothing is overflowing. I'm not debating that corona isn't a threat to anyone because it is. I'm trying to offer perspective. I don't agree with the overreaction and constant fear mongering like the entire world is going to collapse.My landlord is an oncologist. She reached out to me last week telling me that despite the hospitals filling up, things were under control and will get better in a few months. This is in SoCal so take that for what its worth.

We will get through this.

The world HAS ALREADY COLLAPSED for SO MANY PEOPLE.........................

You are doing good, and that rocks, but sooooooo many people are out of work and staring the the barrel of an empty bank account...................

It's only going to get far worse before it gets minutely better.
Come on mate, you've joined Sherdog for a month now and you're already talking like this?

See.. Wedgaf what you guys are talking about, and still just by reading the words you wrote I kinda feel compelled to agree with him, no matter what.

Don't act like a spoiled brat.

Who GIVES A FUCK. Do you know how many people die in the US from automobile accidents or from alcohol every year you stupid gullible fuck? I don't hear you giving up driving or drinking despite that number being almost 5 times higher than the projected Chinese Wuhan Corona virus.

"in 2012, 3.3 million deaths, or 5.9 percent of all global deaths (7.6 percent for men and 4.0 percent for women), were attributable to alcohol consumption.9"

3.3 MILLION DIED FROM ALCOHOL ACROSS THE GLOBE. And yet you are more scared of a Chinese flu. LMAO.

Now how about you go sit your stupid scared, brainwashed ass down and stay inside like a good boy.

I talked to that dumb motherfucker exactly how he was talking to us in this thread, calling us "stupid gullible fucks"

But agree with that dumb ass.
And who, exactly, is doing that in the USA right now? Name them.

I'll wait.

Go ahead you can wait all you like. Your question is largely irrelevant as (1) there's no evidence to say it affects American physiology differently to the rest of the world and (2) my personal knowledge of US research teams doesn't change anything.
I caught it since 17 days , its not a regular flu , it lasts so long and comes back even if you felt nice for a few hours. I caught chikungugna and dengue fever years ago and covid felt same strengh first week but then starts the lung issues wich are very debilitating at night.
And doctors are saying even young patients who survive end up with permanent lung damage, even if they were healthy before.

Take this shit seriously. The sooner everyone takes it seriously, the sooner we can go out again

or were all just fucked. Maybe it hangs around like a seasonal flu. Maybe doesn’t kill us the first or even 3rd time. But all that compounding fibrotic permanent lung damage will eventually kill us. Or even make us not able to breed since there is signs of testicular damage. Plus heart.

you say take it serious so that we can go out again.
Fuck that, I’m moving into my moms basement and never coming out like a true sherdogger. The last men standing.
Right. And that's why US and British (and i think Canadian governments) passed laws saying no landlords can kick anyone out, and the banks can't start foreclosing on homeowners. You heard of this right?

What about the stimulus package? I know $1200 a month + 500 per child isn't shit but if you can't get kicked out, that should help somewhat.

If you have car payments, call the bank and ask for an extension.

I received a 2 month extension on payments for my truck when i called and asked for one last week.

I just reached out to my CC company I purchased a computer with to ask for extensions on my payments.

I reached out to my landlord and asked her for help as well.

I'm lucky, trust me I know but there are things we can do to lessen the burden during these difficult times.

You realize you all insulted me first? But okay, spread fakenews once you get called out for it.
You do realize that you insulted everybody in this thread who takes the corona virus seriously calling us "stupid gullible fucks".

Who GIVES A FUCK. Do you know how many people die in the US from automobile accidents or from alcohol every year you stupid gullible fuck? I don't hear you giving up driving or drinking despite that number being almost 5 times higher than the projected Chinese Wuhan Corona virus.

"in 2012, 3.3 million deaths, or 5.9 percent of all global deaths (7.6 percent for men and 4.0 percent for women), were attributable to alcohol consumption.9"

3.3 MILLION DIED FROM ALCOHOL ACROSS THE GLOBE. And yet you are more scared of a Chinese flu. LMAO.

Now how about you go sit your stupid scared, brainwashed ass down and stay inside like a good boy.

A dumb motherfucker like you doesn't deserve any respect.
or were all just fucked. Maybe it hangs around like a seasonal flu. Maybe doesn’t kill us the first or even 3rd time. But all that compounding fibrotic permanent lung damage will eventually kill us. Or even make us not able to breed since there is signs of testicular damage. Plus heart.

you say take it serious so that we can go out again.
Fuck that, I’m moving into my moms basement and never coming out like a true sherdogger. The last men standing.
Or they give us drugs to combat it, made in a rush by the same drug companies that have been found criminally negligent so many times in the past.....

And then we fight for our civil liberties back and find ourselves backsliding.

This is a lose lose and we better be prepared to fight for our rights as this whole climate morphs into an permanent one.
You're too stupid to keep up with this argument so on ignore you go. I only insulted the people that tried to spread fear mongering after I showed there are far deadlier things in this world that we've been dealing with our entire lives.

Once again, the corona virus has killed, according to the various outlets available to us, estimates between 40,000-100,000 across the world have died from the Chinese Wuhan Corona virus. Chinese twitter accounts and posts on the c h a n s suggest that the death toll in China is up to 100k.

To my more reasonable Sherbros, I'm almost 99% positive myself, my boss and my gf contracted Corona virus at the beginning of February. I was out of work for 2 days and forced myself to get back to it on day 3. I can work remotely so I quarantined myself but I had symptoms for a week and another week of lingering head cold etc. I havent ever felt that fucked in my entire life. I'm very healthy and haven't had the flu in almost a decade. My boss had a fever of 104.8 and had to go to the doctor to be prescribed steroidal inhalers for his lungs. They didn't test him but sent him home with a few things.

I had to take my GF to urgent care and they prescribed her a cocktail of some antibiotic i can't recall ATM, affrin nasal spray and zinc.

I took zinc and nyquil and affrin and loaded up on vitamin C and slept as much as I could. I will take the antibody test when it comes available and I'll post it on here either way.

I'm confident if you're healthy, you'll be fine just like we were.

My gf's neighbor's son she grew up with contracted it in NYC where he lives. He's in his 30's. He's a fat dude so not as healthy as us but he's recovering. I have no reason to lie.

Coronavirus Cases:
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There is no fear mongering...If the governments did nothing, the whole world will be fucked, that's a fact.

Again dumbass, nobody is saying most people won't be fine, everybody knows that most people will survive this shit....Most people will be fine but with a highly contagious virus like this, the hospitals will be completely fucked if we did nothing.

Your Alcohol example was fucking stupid...No even close to the coronavirus....None of those dangers will overflow and fuck hospitals/people, we are ready for those things...We weren't ready this type of virus.

Imagine being so rustled @ facts you put people on ignore, LMFAO.


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