John Bain, AKA Total Biscuit, passes away

Wasn't a huge follower, but I did check out the occasional "WTF" video. Seemed decent enough.

An older friend of mine just found out that he has bladder cancer. His dad passed a few months ago because of a brain tumor, and his brother in law just died on Tuesday (I don't know if that one is cancer related). The family just keeps getting hit by horrible news.

Shit just won't let up. I'm at least optimistic because bladder cancer has a high survival rate if it's caught early.
Damn. It really is the fucking worst. I wish your friend all the best.
Been follower for years. He was a great guy and an even better journalist/reviewer. He will be sorely missed. Rest in peace.
Damn, sad news, but I do find it sort of ironic given that he used to tell people he hoped they'd get cancer on Twitter.
Very sad news to hear. Never really followed him but every now and then I would listen to his reviews because I trusted that whatever he thought (whether he liked or hated it) it was his true opinion.

I appreciate how he took a stand against the rampant and egregious PC agenda ravaging Silicon Valley and the videogame industry, right now.

I was coming here to post the same. I’m not a big member of the gaming community even though I cater to it directly. But in a sea of aggressive pc ideaology, and conversely virgin man-rage, he was a reasonable voice against the misguided push to make games more diverse. I always respected his take. RIP

not to discount the value of diversity in video games, but the people pushing it at the time weren’t great actors and had their own personal agendas.
Damn, sad news, but I do find it sort of ironic given that he used to tell people he hoped they'd get cancer on Twitter.
as far as i know he told one guy that and to be fair he did apologise for it
The WTF is series was my go to guide for buying games back in the day. Where ever there was a game locked at 30 fps or didn't have a F.O.V slider, T.B was there to let everyone know.

He was a man of ethics in an industry where it's a rarity. Didn't always agree with his opinions but always respected them. Between his podcasts and videos he's provided me with hours of quality entertainment. R.I.P