John Wayne Parr's Rebuttal To a Josh Barnett

Yeah, I thought it was weird when Paulson started talking about being scared of ghosts, thought he was joking at first then you could tell he was very serious.

That rolled up guy wanted to press him on the subject but was scared.
I had to turn it off after a half hour or so. I don't mind listening to a fighter who's got an aggressive personality or is delusional but not both. It's too much.
It definitely got painful near the end, to the point where Rogan was even getting a bit uncomfortable confronting Barnett on some of his ridiculous statements, which is saying a lot since Rogan usually has no problem calling people out (even on his podcast, which has a chill atmosphere).

But Barnett was clearly delusional when the topic was himself, and domineering to make his point that he was above everyone else.
It definitely got painful near the end, to the point where Rogan was even getting a bit uncomfortable confronting Barnett on some of his ridiculous statements, which is saying a lot since Rogan usually has no problem calling people out (even on his podcast, which has a chill atmosphere).

But Barnett was clearly delusional when the topic was himself, and domineering to make his point that he was above everyone else.

Didn't he pick up Joe after one of his wins during the post fight interview?

That was a dick move and Joe looked a little pissed if I remember correctly.
Lol JWP is probably one of the classiest martial artists to ever compete in professional combat sports, I believe the guy without any hesitation. I like Barnett, but he's a guy with an ego problem and multiple time busted cheater, I definitely will take his side with a grain of salt.
lol there are no absolutes in life and gym training is no different. Sure if it had happened recently I would agree, but it's almost a fucking decade since that session.

Who cares? It's an unwritten rule, why would you start talking shit about it if it was 1 months, 1 years or 50 years ago? What's the point?
Who cares? It's an unwritten rule, why would you start talking shit about it if it was 1 months, 1 years or 50 years ago? What's the point?

Since you can't seem to understand my point, it's no use in trying to explain it to you.
Well that settles it for me...Paulson is nuts.

Oh man. Paulson is a total loony.

Weird, weird guy.

I remember one interview where he was talking about Talisman's he wears to "protect" him from something or other.

What's funny is, Barnett is a regular at his gym and has been training with him for a long long time. But, from what I understand, Barnett isn't religious and listens to "devil music" and has an absurd and dark sense of humor.

I guess he and Paulson never roll.
This whole thing with Paulson. It just sounds like he called JWP and jokingly said, "oh man you done a number on Josh after sparring. lol". JWP interpreted the wrong way or just got excited that he got one over Josh. I believe JWP btw, but the story just sounds like it was a bigger deal in his own head than it was in reality.
Who was JWP referring to when he said "he ended up doing a runner?" Bonello or his management? Were they responsible for paying his purse?
This whole thing with Paulson. It just sounds like he called JWP and jokingly said, "oh man you done a number on Josh after sparring. lol". JWP interpreted the wrong way or just got excited that he got one over Josh. I believe JWP btw, but the story just sounds like it was a bigger deal in his own head than it was in reality.

This is probably the true answer IMO.
The truth is definitely somewhere in the middle. With the way Josh talks about his sparring approach I have no doubt that he would get super defensive about a guy bragging to have put a beating on him, when Josh was looking at the session as a way to learn/drill. JWP maybe one of those guys who will look at a gym victory as winning an actual fight even though one guy maybe trying new technique ect. Why else would he say something like that, especially in a scenario where the other guy would absolutely dismantle him in a real fight?
A bit off topic, but is there another fighter that has been on JRE more than Barnett? I guess Schaub probably has been.
I get a weird vibe from barnett, the "yeah, sure buddy" vibe. he likes to toot his own horn a bit too much, and half of the things he says he doesn't believe himself, hence the vibe of fakeness. I haven't seen people talking about it on the forums here, but at one moment in the podcast he and joe were making fun of dean lister for taking "mexican supplements" that was a shit move from both joe and especially josh
Barnett was probably listening to the interview and losing his shit. I bet he begged Joe to get him on asap so he could defend himself.
Whenever I have a chance to post my photochop years ago when Barnett got popped for masteron...I put it up...

The truth is definitely somewhere in the middle. With the way Josh talks about his sparring approach I have no doubt that he would get super defensive about a guy bragging to have put a beating on him, when Josh was looking at the session as a way to learn/drill. JWP maybe one of those guys who will look at a gym victory as winning an actual fight even though one guy maybe trying new technique ect. Why else would he say something like that, especially in a scenario where the other guy would absolutely dismantle him in a real fight?


All of you should watch and listen to Parr's full description of his time there while on the JRE the day after he was there for Fight Companion. He starts by saying how he was getting manhandled prior, and that the the day being discussed was announced as sparring day right before they got started. Nobody knew who he was, and that he is super technical, lived like a monk in Thailand for years and became one of the great Thai Boxing competitors of all time, especially, for a foreigner.

Barnett is a gym bully by his own admission and prone to tantrums. I use to be a fan, even after he single-handedly ruined Affliction 3. However, he has just become more and more of a D-bag as his bitterness is boiling over.

John Wayne Parr is one of the coolest guys is combat sports, and his integrity is beyond reproach.
The truth is definitely somewhere in the middle. With the way Josh talks about his sparring approach I have no doubt that he would get super defensive about a guy bragging to have put a beating on him, when Josh was looking at the session as a way to learn/drill. JWP maybe one of those guys who will look at a gym victory as winning an actual fight even though one guy maybe trying new technique ect. Why else would he say something like that, especially in a scenario where the other guy would absolutely dismantle him in a real fight?


All of you should watch and listen to Parr's full description of his time there while on the JRE the day after he was there for Fight Companion. He starts by saying how he was getting manhandled prior, and that the the day being discussed was announced as sparring day right before they got started. Nobody knew who he was, and that he is super technical, lived like a monk in Thailand for years and became one of the great Thai Boxing competitors of all time, especially, for a foreigner.

Barnett is a gym bully by his own admission and prone to tantrums. I use to be a fan, even after he single-handedly ruined Affliction 3. However, he has just become more and more of a D-bag as his bitterness is boiling over.

John Wayne Parr is one of the coolest guys is combat sports, and his integrity is beyond reproach.

Oh, and Parr was just telling a story and wasn't doing it in a way that came across as bragging in the slightest just one of his funny experiences. You should read about him or watch "Blessed with Venom" on Youtube (He put it on for free after never getting any of the money he was suppose to get.) JRE has hours to fill with just guys talking in case you aren't aware that fact.
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