Media Jon Anik tired of negativity from MMA fans, might leave in 2026

I haven’t heard anyone call out Anik over his opinion, no one gives a shit who he thought won the fight

Well, Jon has always been kinda self important. He's not wrong about those fans being extraordinarily dumb though.
The good old COD days. COD 4 and MW2. Best CODs ever. I haven't played any new ones but pretty much all the ones I played after cannot touch MW2, especially.
I like world at war myself
That is true, but there are a lot of good humor-based sports accounts worth following. They make college football a million times more fun.

Nina Drama is the only enjoyable MMA Twitter account I've found though. I know she's polarizing, but I think she's fun.

It's kinda like the Sherdog War Room. If everyone was forced to post in the War Room, people probably wouldn't bother. That's kinda what Twitter is - a non-voluntary step inside a world of shit posting angry drumsticks.

Now I like the War Room, but I can understand those who don't wanna be tethered to that level of hostility just because they're promoting themselves or their company lol

Good on anyone who maintains a civil and fun Twitter timeline though!
Its the internet. Being a human bot is normal here.

Wait a damned minute I actually thought he was great on last card and gave him credit. After shitting on him for years. And now he is leaving?

Thats it I have confession to make. I fookin love Jake Paul and consider Kadyrovs palace the high point of all mma careers!
He has been talking about wanting to retire for a while. I think he's just burnt out and looking for reasons to leave.
I feel like every fan base has this issue tbh though. Insert any sport, competition show, regular show, video game, etc. and it’s all the same. You have a large percentage of toxicity ready to unleash. Some more than others to be fair, but the point stands.

Just gotta rise above and ignore it.
Same. Was going to say, isn’t what Jon’s describing not unique to mma fans? I too don’t have social media, but he seems to be describing some people on the internet in general. I was doing some research the other day about the health benefits of garbanzo beans, and the comments on the vids were as if they were responding to Israel and Hamas. It’s freakin’ hummus, not Hamas you angry toads.
You know that enjoying hummus actually kills billions of bugs and the rest of the entire universe don't you? Every time you eat Hummus a star dies killing unknowable sentient beings
He's literally the worst announcer I have ever heard, both in terms of voice and knowledge, so hopefully he's serious about fucking off.

A few events ago some fighter took his opponent down, immediately moved to mount and started dropping bombs... This dipshit called it a low fight IQ move 😆
Yeah i'm tired too of all the negativity in the world, as well as Communists trying to enforce their Rules in Great Britain, so i might leave in 2050.
Good, if he doesn't like it he should leave. I don't mind him, but it's obvious there are going to be people who will disagree - thousands if not millions of people are witnessing your opinion, no duh not everyone will be respectful.
On topic. I'd be okay if Anik didn't make it to 2026. I used to like him because I felt like he did a fair job of reigning in the color guys when needed. Now I prefer the professionalism of the secondary broadcast team, Fitz, Laura, Paul, the British guy, etc.