Media Jon Jones threatens troll online - “it’s not hard to find you”

He’s so unstable


Imagine being a world famous multi millionaire and still giving a shit what every troll says about you online. Going on rants like that really paint the picture about him not being fine with his past actions. He lets those trolls under his skin because deep down he knows he’s a piece of…
He acts like an insecure 16 year old that is still trying to find his identity. Kinda feel bad for him, but then again...
It's funny how people always try to defend a violent moron by accusing that you wouldn't be critical of a violent moron to his face. What exactly do you think that proves, other than further lending credence to the guy being a violent moron?
It's funny how people always try to defend a violent moron by accusing that you wouldn't be critical of a violent moron to his face. What exactly do you think that proves, other than further lending credence to the guy being a violent moron?

There's a big difference between being critical and being a snively, shit-ass troll.
Jon Jones goes on a defensive rant online justifying his life and career. He ends his rant with with threat.

Jon Jones could beat me with both his hands tied behind the back. He probably has a way bigger dick than me. He has more money than I will most likely make in my lifetime. He has hot women throwing themselves at him, and fans willing to clean his ass with their tongue after he takes a shit *points at a handfull of Sherdog posters who know who they are*

And I still would not trade places with him. What a fucking clown.
People who troll professional fighters online are pretty pathetic, but Jon responding makes him look almost as bad and is only going to encourage them to behave this way more .
I think the world is insane with an extreme level of hate becoming almost normal for nothing. You say Coke is better than Pepsi on any large platform and you'll get death threats on Twitter. And it's become so normal, that  you're expected to not "feed into it" or else you're wrong. That's crazy to me

But it's also caused this reverse reaction of just now writing off all kinds of criticism and labeling anything negative as haters, and that'll just feed the ego of the type of people who get popular based on some level of ego-feeding.

I'm sure he gets hate ranging from "lol, Jon, your dick doesn't work, i'd kill myself if i were you" to "professional fighter is a pussy for ducking Tom" to "hey, your domestic violence makes you a piece of shit." And the way Jon brought it up in his reply makes me think that last one was a major part of the trolling. So, as much as internet trolls are awful, I think a bunch of people jumping up to defend a domestic violence charge should probably be better off holding their tongues, the man himself above all

There's a big difference between being critical and being a snively, shit-ass troll.
And there's a big difference between being the greatest of all time, current UFC HW champ, and a domestic violence charge having, steroid, cocaine, & alcohol abusing, crime seeking piece of shit.

I'll hold my opinion on how valid the troll is based on what he's trolling about
I feel no sympathy for online trolls that harrass professional fighters. Show up to Jon's gym, say it to the sociopaths's face....

Shouldn't the sociopath be in jail, since he is a sociopath?
Thats an insecure gay man
That could actually be true - which would explain the dick pills needed to fuck his wife (it is probably more the steroids doing their thing and causing erectile dysfunction issues though). But the way homosexuals are looked at in the black community must make it super hard on a gay black man, and even more if you are trying to be an "alpha" male.

Check out this video -
Shouldn't the sociopath be in jail, since he is a sociopath?
If he was not rich and famous, he would be in jail or dead 100%. Imagine if a beefed up black man, that was not famous, started headbutting a police car. This would be the response -
Jon Jones could beat me with both his hands tied behind the back. He probably has a way bigger dick than me. He has more money than I will most likely make in my lifetime. He has hot women throwing themselves at him, and fans willing to clean his ass with their tongue after he takes a shit *points at a handfull of Sherdog posters who know who they are*

And I still would not trade places with him. What a fucking clown.
Hot women throwing themselves at him? When