Media Jon Jones threatens troll online - “it’s not hard to find you”

You would be shitting yourself in the presence of an obvious Psychopath. Especially in the USA where they have the nearly 400 Million of the great equalizer. Everyone is a HW with a gun in their hand.

I wouldn't have done anything to upset him, though, and have an equalizer (many, in fact) of my own. Plus Jon being a psychopath goes against the narrative of him being sensitive or emotionally weak; psychopaths lack emotions and remorse.
I wouldn't have done anything to upset him, though, and have an equalizer (many, in fact) of my own. Plus Jon being a psychopath goes against the narrative of him being sensitive or emotionally weak; psychopaths lack emotions and remorse.
Why? You'd think he'd kill you?

At the off chance that you and him have close seats at a flight and ya'll are having a conversation, he asks you about stuff just out of sheer boredom, wouldn't you give your honest take?

He's not a psycho imo. And def wouldn't hurt a civilian on purpose if he wouldn't stop a crime while doing so. Super sensetive guy tho.
I feel no sympathy for online trolls that harrass professional fighters. Show up to Jon's gym, say it to the sociopaths's face....
Thats true of just about any internet trolling. They would never even show up to a normal persons house cuz they might get shot.

Welcome to the internet!
Why? You'd think he'd kill you?

I usually don't upset people in general. 😇

It's not like I'd see Jon and just blurt out "OMG it's Jon Jones! Pulsing dick pills pregnant hit-and-run stripper slap wifebeating headbutt car guns!" like some sperg.
This entitlement that he is showing is directly linked with UFC letting him get away with so much fucked up shit, and those retarded fans that are still supporting him.

You are lucky that you are still allowed to fight at all bro.

But its obvious he doesnt think like that. Which leads to him fucking up again and again.
He’s never been truly held accountable for anything.

Just suspensions, inside the UFC. And slaps on the wrist for his criminal digressions in real life.

The UFC bends over backwards for this fucking clown. And the justice system has enabled his douchery. He’s a UFC champion. By hook, or by crook. And never been sentenced to actual prison.

But what is this sociopath going to do when he retires? Lock up your women folk when he’s in either Albuquerque, New York, or Vegas or whenever he’s about.

It's funny how people always try to defend a violent moron by accusing that you wouldn't be critical of a violent moron to his face. What exactly do you think that proves, other than further lending credence to the guy being a violent moron?

Problem is that internet troll not only talk shit to "violent moron". These troll are only tough on social media and feels safe to say anything that they want without having to handle the consequences.