Media Jones: "Dana has shown me his true colors"

In other news, water is wet.
Imo, Dana paid big money to keep your cheating ass in the game, you ungrateful fuck. STFU.
Yeah.. maybe you should try NOT to fuck up.
Most other employee that fucks up like this would be fired.
Well, he's right and the holds true to this day. It even extends to who Dana bets on, why do you think he has these weird grudges against certain fighters like Woodley? Because he probably bet a lot of money on Lawler, Wonderboy, Till, etc to beat him so then he was pissed when the guy he bet on lost and he lost money, the guy is a degenerate gambler with no business working as a promoter, he's lucked into the success he has thanks to other people's money.
Anderson seems to be learning this the hard way it seems
Jon seems a little slow here. Like he's the last one to know Dana is corrupt.

Old video...... If Jon was asked about it now he'd say some bullshit that he was in a bad headspace.
Users like Dana have a way of making you feel like you're more important to them than you really are. I wouldn't be surprised if at some point Dana made Jones really feel like they were bros, then pulled a big about face on him.
Just ask Stitch lol