Jones does .00001 grams of roids = Sherdog outrate... Greg Hardy beats women, Sherdog doesn't care

Does beating women give him an unfair advantage or something?
I know. I don't know why Sherdog has it out for the Black man... wait a sec
If he is cycling what is the point of Random tests by USADA? They must be morons..

I don't even know how to respond to a post like this. How else would you catch someone doing something that is out of your system in 2 days? It's not like Jones is telling the time and day of when he's taking the shit. Jesus you fucking JJ people have gone full retard and then some.
also, jon gets caught but the powers that be want to make money so they move it another state on six days notice, fucking over fans that made bought tickets and made plans for vegas, fucking over friends and families of fighters who were in vegas, fucking over fighters who now have to pay more taxes on their fight purse.

All for a guy who failed how many ped tests since June of 2018?
If you think sherdog doesn’t care, then go back a couple of weeks and you will see they do
First off, fuck Greg Hardy. But also, wasn’t he acquitted of all charges or something?

Secondly, Jon Jones crashed his car into a pregnant lady’s car—broke her arm, and then fled the scene of the crime because he was smashed out of his mind.

You have no point.

If I didn’t have a point, do you know what I’d do?

Go sell some medicine, bitches!
Get a life OP. Ive seen plenty of people here that are pissed off at Hardy being in the UFC

No, he shouldn't get a life, he should lurk more on Sherdog so he doesn't come up with stupid threads like this one.

Didn’t Jones crash into a pregnant woman on a cocaine binge?
Yes because beating your wife also gives you a performance advantage in MMA, which is what this forum is about.

It's actually a WORSE crime to assault someone but not exactly the point of this forum, is it?