Jones Resistance to Shame Impressive?

TLDR: Jones ability to overcome shame is mildly impressive.

especially if he truly feels that way and isn't putting up a front (although that alone can be quite useful too).

not being limited by the opinions and evaluations of others can be a valuable trait to cultivate...but, as mentioned, that can serve good and not-so-good people lol
You have an active and admitted bias against coke from your previous unpleasant experiences with cokeheads that you should realize when talking to others. Holding a grudge against coke because of shithead cokebums you used to know isn't helpful to you or the rest of us you interact with homie
It's a bias that I'm aware of. I try to take it into an account when making decision but dang man childhood biases are the hardest ones to overcome.
this guy doesnt give a fuck about anyone, this is the type of guy who would crash his car drunk as hell into a womans car and she's pregnant and he doesnt even flinch
You have to be a little fucked in the head to be as good as he is at fighting
Profile of the Sociopath
  • Glibness and Superficial Charm.
  • Manipulative and Conning. They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. ...
  • Grandiose Sense of Self. ...
  • Pathological Lying. ...
  • Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt. ...
  • Shallow Emotions. ...
  • Incapacity for Love.
  • Need for Stimulation.
I think he has an easier time overcoming shame because he is rich and he also has fans. Money and fame play a huge part. He can sit back in his mansion and feel fine knowing he has many fans (scumbags) out there that adore him.
I think he has an easier time overcoming shame because he is rich and he also has fans. Money and fame play a huge part. He can sit back in his mansion and feel fine knowing he has many fans (scumbags) out there that adore him.
Flying monkeys. That's what they call the drones of a sociopath.
Inability to show remorse is just another common trait of a sociopath
I remember when I was a teen I got caught looking at porn and I was so mortified and I wanted crawl in a hole and die. Literally, I had trouble looking people in the eyes and feel heart flutters/ increased body temperature just thinking about it.
Hahaha fucking hell TS how many people caught you slamming your beef? Where were you jacking off in the school toilets or using a pair of mamma's red panties for kicks? hahahaha
Uhh... Well, they could have all stayed home and streamed it for free while they smoke weed like the rest of us. Dumbasses earn what they get
What is it with you Bones lickers talking for everybody?
Bunch of dumb fucks paying money to go to an event yeah? They're the reason the sport exists for you to stream for free.
And this place is built for people to air their opinions on fighters and fights, I assume you've disagreed with a few fighter lowlights, why does Jonny Bag get a pass?
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A sociopath is a term used to describe someone who has antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). People with ASPD can't understand others' feelings. They'll often break rules or make impulsive decisions without feeling guilty for the harm they cause
I remember when I was a teen I got caught looking at porn and I was so mortified and I wanted crawl in a hole and die. Literally, I had trouble looking people in the eyes and feel heart flutters/ increased body temperature just thinking about it.

So I'm watching embedded and I start thinking Jones does earth shattering shite every year and it seems like he is not affected in the least bit. His ability to face his deplorable actions and keep moving is incredible. I think I'm impressed maybe. I don't know though because it also might mean he has no concious and he just fears consequences. People like that are capable of anything.

I use to be a fan of Jon Jones. I use to see him as a role model aybe even a hero up until the cocaine stuff. Now, I just enjoy watching him fight.

TLDR: Jones ability to overcome shame is mildly impressive.

He’s a psychopath. That’s what they do.