Josh Samman's Mugshots

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I like that part :

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If he see this , it will bring a massive overflow of blood to his head and make it even bigger .
Not sure if he's that much of a bad ass outside the show but on the show , he's a total badass the way he fight . Definetly want to see him vs Hall .
i usually hate douches. but this guy hasn't rubbed me the wrong way. he's kinda ducking hard fights yeah, but he has a strategy and he knows he'll probably end up facing uriah anyways.

that 2nd pic is hilarious
Lol surprised to see most people hating on him. So he fucked up a couple times with the law, oh well. There seems to be pre-existing hate for him, why is that because he's confident about himself? OH NO there's another cocky pro athlete what a disgrace and shocker at that. He won't get far enough in the sport to stick around anyway so who cares. And then that's the time you can see if he really is a piece of trash if he starts committing a bunch of felonies when his fighting career doesn't last

Chill bro. It's the acne
He has talked himself to get the easiest opponents. That is for sure.
Actually, the long haired image looks like Corey Hart (Sunglasses at Night) from the 80's.
I actually like Samman. I think he'll have a decent career.
He looks like a boss with long hair

Or everyone in Florida is a drunk or drug addict.

This. I'm from Florida and I'm doing the drugs and alcohol now. I'm also planning to go drive and run over some old people once I'm high enough.
Mugshots never really bothered me. Everyone makes mistakes and Josh is no different. I'm only interested in his fights, not his personal problems with the law.
Besides Josh having a near perfect physic and being good looking. He also has great confidence and often states how he would like to see something play out.

All i see here is people hating...
Besides Josh having a near perfect physic and being good looking. He also has great confidence and often states how he would like to see something play out.

All i see here is people hating...

wow people hate this dude.. what's he done so terrible besides being a bit cocky and confident?
This is how i feel about Josh Salmon

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The second one is hilarious

Besides Josh having a near perfect physic and being good looking. He also has great confidence and often states how he would like to see something play out.

All i see here is people hating...

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lmao, he does look like he'd fit right in the cast of Friends there huh

He definitely has a "Friendly" haircut but my 1st thought when seeing the photos was he looks like some actor but not one of the ones from friends.
That said, so he got into some trouble. Although martial arts stress discipline, a lot of true "fighters" are hardly angels in there youth. Personally, I don't like the guy and imo his knees will give out on him before he's able to make any kind of waves.
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