Just for fun: Could Gordon Ryan beat the entire B-Team(Quintet Edition)


Brown Belt
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
We saw in ADCC Gordon win 3 matches in under 40 mins in the same day, Souza, Nicky Rod and Andre Galvao.

He beat Nicky Rod and Souza in under 9 mins.

So if you gave Gordon lets say 20 mins to rest every 2 matches with 6 mins per matche each could he do it?

Honestly I think the one thing stopping him will be Craig Jones. Not saying Craig can beat Gordon but a tired Gordon, Craig could win even via submission. Nicky Rod, perhaps Gordon might be able to finish early if he goes hardcore and pressure nicky rod to get on his back.

I do not see, Nicky Ryan, J-rod and Chen as tough fights for Gordon
If by quintet style you mean he has to sub them or get eliminated then no. Nicky Rod can apply safe pressure and not get subbed, especially in a 6 min match.

And yes I do know he got subbed quickly in adcc but he's also proven he can hang with Gordon when being smart about it.
He beats most of them without breaking a sweat. N-Rod can grapple in a way he did last time, but I imagine Ryan has been studying that match, looking for the smallest of details to improve upon
6 minute matches wouldn't help him, Nicky Rod could get an advantage in him or something and then ride it out. ADCC event rules he could probably beat them all with a brief chance to rest.
If any of them are willing to stall through regulation they would probably succeed. If any of them choose to truly engage and try to advance or sub him, they probably get tapped.
Give the man a challenge. The entire Sherdog roster... at the same time

Team tournaments are a game of strategy.

The lineup is constructed in the best possible way to beat the other TEAM, not just individual player.

Also, there is just 1 min rest between matches, so Ryan could be stopped by 2 players, Rod been one of them, by elimination of both Ryan and Rod.

Jones should enter after that, so he can beat the rest of Ryan's team.

Essentially, Rod should be 2nd player in the lineup, then Jones.

Question is, who should he first.