Keep a log, why not!?

Been 2 months, still doing the same kinda thing... weighing in at around 192, feel good at this weight but will most likely start bulking more soon to put on muscle. Thinking about switching to a hypertrophy specific program also for a few months... it'll be a 3day/wk full body program (see HST). Taking this week off from weights, elbow is sore, need to rest a bit.

Food from today:
7:00 shake with milk, 1/3cup raw oats, whey, ice
10:00 granola, blueberries, greek yog, green tea
12:00 meatballs, mashed sweet potatoes
4:00 cliff builder bar, pineapple, milk
6:00 green tea shake with frozen yog, whey, soymilk
8:00 some thin crust chicken pizza

Vitamins, fishoil, water (3-4L) throughout...
I need to eat more veggies!

Thinking about adding some more supps, creatine, glutamine, bcaa's (?)... any feedback on that would be appreciated. I've never tried any of those.

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Nothing much has changed with my diet. I'm on 5/3/1 now and feeling great, seeing some gains in strength and size. Deadlifted 405 finally last week, I'm about 40lbs off a 1000 lb total and still weigh around 190lbs. Gonna do 531 as long as possible!

Been very hungry lately, cant seem to get enough.

What I ate yesterday (non training day)

7:00: 5 eggs (3whites, 2whole) scrambled with 2 eggos with syrup and OJ + multi vit, 2 fishoil
10:00: usual meal of heaping 1/2 cup of granola with 250g of greek yog and berries with a green tea
12:00: haha same lunch I had the last time I updated this thread, meatballs, mashed sweet potatoes, salad
3:00 pb sandwich, melon, 2cups milk + multi vit, 2 fishoil
4:30 handfull of mixed nuts, pineapple
6:30 big chicken stirfry + multi vit, 2 fishoil
8:00 some ice cream, berries, banana bread and small glass of porto
usually have tbsp of PB + milk before bed but skipped it due to ice cream
~4L total water during the day

7:00 shake with milk, oats, peaches, whey + multi vit, 2 fishoil
9:45 heaping 1/2 cup of granola with 250g of greek yog, melon and 2 cups milk
12:00 big chicken stir fry leftovers
2:45 pb sandwich, milk, + multi vit, 2 fishoil
4:00 handful mixed nuts
5:30 green tea shake with whey, frozen yog, soy milk
7:00 italian sausages, rice, salad
10:00 tbsp of PB + milk

pretty much same stuff week by week...
Ive made a lot of changes to my diet recently and wanted to start logging again.

Updated stats:
Still 6feet tall (haha)
Weight is around 185-187
Leaner than before
Still recovering from broken arm in march

New plan was to control carbs and introduce a carb cycling routine. Each week i try to have 3low days, 3med, and 1 high. I still have fruit but I try to not have starchy carbs, grains etc.

Today was a low day, I didnt workout but I may go for a run later.

3egg omelette with slice of ham and some green onions
1c oj + greens+ w/5g's creatine

plain yog with raspberries and melon
green tea

2 italian sausages
salad with 1/2 avocado, OO + balsamic

1/3 cup cashews

protein shake

chicken fajitas (without the fajita)

4L of water throughout the day
Multi vits', fishoils, vit C
June12th - med carb:
6:30 3 eggs, oj + greens drink
9:30 plain greek yog with berries, melon
12:00 chicken fajitas (no fajitas) with big salad, avocado
2:30 cliff builder bar, americano coffee
3:00 workout
4:00 shake with whey
5:15 chicken wrap, pasta salad, broc/cualiflower salad
7:30 some movie popcorn and a coke
10:30 1tbsp peanut butter, swig of milk
June13th high carb/kinda cheat day
6:30 plain greek yog with fruits
8:30 bagel with egg, bacon cheese + raspberry muffin and ice cappucino
12:00 medium size slice of lasagna
3:00 cashews, apple, green tea
5:15 protein bar, and an unplanned green tea protein smoothie
6:00 workout (legs)
7:00 shake
7:15 frozen pizza and a beer
June 26th
6:30 am 4 eggs + oj with greens
9:30 greek yog with blueberries + green tea
12:00 steak with salad, avocado, OO
3:00 almonds, melon, green tea
6:00 1lb of extra lean ground beef with taco flavoring with salad, avocado, OO
9:00 1tbsp PB, swig of milk

Jun27th (so far)
6:30 am 4 eggs + oj with greens
9:30 greek yog with blueberries + 1c milk
12:00 chicken with salad, brocoli, OO