Kevin Lee Most Delusional Ever

All he needs is to get 2 fluke ko's in a row like Masvidal. Then nearly everyone on here will fucking love him and say he's elite.
Is Kevin Lee the most delusional fighter ever? Says people are really interested in seeing him fight Khabib. Says people also want to see him and Tony run it back. Says he's very close to title shot.

Kevin thinks he is better than he has shown, but Chris Weidman (who has been stopped in 4 of his last 5 fights, but somehow thinks he is the one guy who can beat Jon Jones) is more delusional.

Kevin does have potential though and is now at a great camp. It will be interesting to see what training with GSP, Rory and Firas can do for him.
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OMG this guy can be such an insufferable windbag.!

That and he's been listening to too much Tony Robbins.
better start preparing that staph infection post-fight speech
yes but its kind of expected for a high level fighter. need to be at least a little delusional/insane

Fighter Kevin Lee does take it the extra mile tho. I remember when he acted like a Conor fight was "on the table" or an option for him if he wanted it LMAO

He must be delusional if he thought a Conor fight was on the table. There is no way the UFC would have ever let him near conor in a cage.
I dont really see thinking of yourself as a contender, and putting your name out there on social media by talking about other high profile fighters and how you should fight them etc as delusional. He knows any press is good press. He knows the guys he names are big money fights for him. He sees tony getting his shot, and knows he was beating tony while being not at full force and had him mounted etc. I'm sure he believes he can beat tony...who is the #1 contender. He has talent obviously, and he's young. He has fought a lot of big names. He hasn't looked less than competitive in any of his fights. He makes some dumb mistakes and lost some big fights. Doesnt mean he isn't still a good lw who can in fact challenge for the title with even 2 good wins as long as it were against the right people.
That would be Weirdman. But give Lee some more time, he can catch up.
Well he certainly has a high opinion of himself, confidence is good but let's not reach delusional zone
The dude believes in himself. Some fighters retire or never get back into the same mindframe after a number of losses. Same with Weidman, the guy just believes in himself. Lol mma fans are the worst
He’s really not that bad. They all are like this to an extent. Not sure why so many dorks obsess over Lee.
The hype does out pace the performance.
It does keep him in the talks, so it keeps him relevant.

I also think it's because he probably outperforms many people during training in many ways, so he knows his potential is great, but he just hasn't been able to put it all together in the octagon against certain fighters. It's both a strategy and a mental problem, IMO, but a fixable one, I would guess.
All he needs is to get 2 fluke ko's in a row like Masvidal. Then nearly everyone on here will fucking love him and say he's elite.
You can say about Masvidal what you want but that werent by no means fluke kos. Unless you wanna label anything a fluke...
Kevin Lee knows Kevin lee

He knows what he's capable of , what his potential is and where he stands in the division at his best. Some random virgin keyboard warrior nerd, does not

People get overly blinded by losses here and lose sight of the biggest picture

Kevin lee has the talent and potential, something demonstrated clearly to anyone paying attention even in his losses. With some adjustments, he's right in the mix at the top of the division at 155

Which is obvious. Ask any fighter, they'd tell you the same thing. Which is a testament to how far from reality sherdoggers are sometimes

The question some of you need to ask yourself is, what does GSP see that you do not. What does Rogan see that you do not. What do I see that you do not.
At what point does potential not mean shit if you can't ever reach it? Like if you lose all your big fights.....not saying the guy could not whoop my ass but if he keeps losing the big fights to the elites at some point he just isn't......elite l let alone champ material lol

Ps not every fighter has to be a champ for them to have a good career I'm not one of those fans that thinks champ or can
Absolute moron, anyone who loses to Al, twice, needs to drop any dreams of being a title contender. Simply not good enough
The question some of you need to ask yourself is, what does GSP see that you do not. What does Rogan see that you do not. What do I see that you do not.


Sorry mate, your acting like your analysis should be held up to same esteem as GSP and Rogan..
If edson had capitalized better on Kevin's stank leg you are looking at a guy with 4 straight losses. I'm very high on chiesa and he beat the shit out of him so yeah the guy has talent and can do some big things but he's waaaay back of the contender line now. He's not even a top ten contender now.
Well the divisions wide open. Won't be the first time a fighter with the biggest mouth talked his way into a title shot. Can't blame him for trying. If he is game to fight the best then he is good in my books. Book it and lets get it settled.
Not hating man, just wondering what you mean by "the division is wide open."

You got Tony - who deserves it, then Connor - who doesnt deserve it but we all know what might happen, Poirer - one fight removed from the title, if Tony beats Khabib that could be good, Geathje def has a claim to nearing a TS, Felder could be 1-2 wins away. I dont see Lee in this conversation.

Even with a W over Gregor, I dont think Kevin is anywhere near a TS. He's lost 3 of 4. Cheers!
yea its a little cringy but one thing I do respect about him is as soon as he got a little bit of money he bought his mom a nicer house. I cant help but root against the guy but he does seem like a good guy
Can’t help but root against him huh? I wonder who’s the current non black Hope on sherdog this week.
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kevin lee was completely delusional when he believed he won the al fight. i give him credit for stepping up to elite level competition but he may go 0 and 3 after the gregor fight and dont think switching camps and training with gsp will be enough to make for a new and improved version of his former self. justin gaethje was able to improve after losing 2 to dustin and eddie so what do i know. maybe the losses are necessary to make for a better fighter.

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