Khabib threatens to Leave UFC if they fire his friend

Ban red shirt for life . He's scum.

Tuk....not supporting it, but he fought another pro fighter face to face. If u watch a certain angle, u can see he takes that left hand shot fairly clean n does a split second chicken dance. Let Lord Artem smesh him lol
this is called Badass,
no shit talk, who else is talking like that to Dana ?

at the other side Conor is sucking Dana to promote his piss
Most American people don't know what honor is. They think that if you have money, you have honor, success, happiness. It's not your fault but you are raised this way. Media brainwash you to idolise rappers, hookers and criminals as long as they are rich. Useless trash women like the Khardasians are considered successful but in reality they are the lowest form of life.

Now let me tell you that there is another world and i am not talking about Dagestan or places in Russia. There are many places in Europe that value other things more than money. We all need money to buy food, house, car but that is different than worship money. It's something that you will never understand.

Khabib values more his friends ,family and his honor than 2 million or 10 million dollars. Because he would be unhappy if he had 10 million dollars in his bank but not his friends and family. He is not the type of guy that find hapiness banging hookers and buying ferraris.

There are TONS of Americans who know that money is not important beyond the need to provide food shelter and health care. No one in my family or circle or friends worships money here.

Also if you pay attention to the posters on this forum you will see clearly that the majority despised Conor because of the bragging, pride, arrogance, shit talk, and the use of money to justify this.
I'd like to see all the posters that kept harping on about Khabib would do anything for money like everyone else, say something now after this statement from the champion. The concept of loyalty, honour, family and pride is so alien to so many posters here. You worship the golden calf and would sell your own mother if the number mentioned was high enough.
Lmao <45>

Sherbro’s never disappoint. As classy, reasonable and educated as ever. Keep up the good work sir.
Well, religion has caused about as many deaths in this world as communist have and he lives in both worlds....
Throwing shit through a bus window without knowing who or how many people u are about to harm is way fucking worse. Give ur head a shake.
It simply isnt..why? Gross negligence vs full blown intent. STFU
Dagestanis are historically not extremists. They fought with Russia against extremist Chechens, and summarily rejected the idea of a jihadist alliance. This is also taking into consideration that they were very much at the mercy of the Chechen extremists. There wasn’t a whole lot Russia could do to protect them in their isolated mountain ranges, at times anyway. They still held firm.
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Khabibs actions aren’t s big deal. It’s the 4 dudes trying to throw c9mbos, especially that red :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:, that is the issue. There’s a different between a glass shard giving Chiesa a cut on the forehead and attempting to cause brain damage on an exhausted fighter that has his head turned to you and throw 4 punches to the back of the dome

Lets not be ignorant here and forget the fact that Ray Borg was injured and had to be removed from the 223 card. Conor is not innocent by any means. This is the man that has on multiple occasions jumped into a ring and attacked others, including a Ref. I'm not saying people deserve to be sucker punched, but if you're going to act like he does, then expect a smack.
Well, religion has caused about as many deaths in this world as communist have and he lives in both worlds....

And of course he should take responsibility for every death that has ever happened, I understand.
They can put any champ up there...we all know who the rightful LW champ is...

Not the guy who beat a real estate agent on short notice. Only Ferguson can legitimize Khabibs title. It's not all Khabins fault, dont get me wrong. Both fucked up.
I’d say khabib should shut up and let it pass. He’s overplaying his cards here.

He is not playing, its not a calculated move. He is standing up for what he believes in.......
Diaz is gonna retire Mac, chew on that, you MAGA fanboy cucks.
At least you crybabies still have Colby, for the moment.
This will all go away in a few days.

Putin will make a call to Trump who will make a call to the UFC & the NSAC and everything will just be back to normal and the rematch will happen because its money for all parties involved.
Dagestanis are historically not extremists. They fought with Russia against extremist Chechens, and summarily rejected the idea of a jihadist alliance. This is also taking into consideration that they were very much at the mercy of the Chechen extremists. There wasn’t a whole lot Russia could do to protect them in their isolated mountain ranges, at times anyway. They still held firm.
The point, is that for all the shit Conor talked and Conor's actions, which are bad, Khabib had a chance to not only beat his ass, but be the bigger person. He utterly ruined that and used his "religion" as his defense.

He fucked up and should not be celebrated for that.
Khabibs actions aren’t s big deal. It’s the 4 dudes trying to throw c9mbos, especially that red :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:, that is the issue. There’s a different between a glass shard giving Chiesa a cut on the forehead and attempting to cause brain damage on an exhausted fighter that has his head turned to you and throw 4 punches to the back of the dome

He was not exhausted, he jumped over the cage and was able to throw 4 punches!!

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