Kid knocks over 132k statue, museum sends bill to parents

the parents can sue for putting the child's safety at risk.

This is actually what I was thinking. They left a statue out that a five year old can knock over? What if a child would have been on the other side of that statue? Guarantee you it's not the women who would be in trouble. The museum would be for not securing the statue in place.
Parents should watch their kids, yes.

132k fine is too much though. For that they really need a sign or two or some protection.

Both sides are shitty here.
This is actually what I was thinking. They left a statue out that a five year old can knock over? What if a child would have been on the other side of that statue? Guarantee you it's not the women who would be in trouble. The museum would be for not securing the statue in place.

Yeap exactly. What if the kids skull would have been smashed and turned him into a veggie? Different tunes then. Still watch that kid. I really hate parents who apply the "free spirit" raising of their kid - aka: My childs shitty behaviour is now your problem while I sip coffee.
This is actually what I was thinking. They left a statue out that a five year old can knock over? What if a child would have been on the other side of that statue? Guarantee you it's not the women who would be in trouble. The museum would be for not securing the statue in place.

In fairness, the child had to climb to get at it. It wasn't like the kid just bumped into it.

But shit, at least put some cushions around the pedestal, with a rope barrier, if you truly care about it's protection.
That's also why Museums have insurance.
Sure, like I have insurance on my car, to protect me from stupid people. But if one of those stupid people runs into me, they're still at fault and liable, regardless of whether I have insurance.
Regarding the China shop. If I had one, I'd have a sign outside the door that clearly said that parents would have to pay for anything their children break. Just like I wouldn't allow dogs inside the shop.
You have to have some minimal protection for something that expensive. I need to watch the video.

The zoo incidents are different, because there is a shift to the parents knowing the full gravity of the situation; there is a full duty for complete control of the children there. Any reasonable parent would know that. That danger doesn't exist in the hallway of this building, and nothing informed them of the crazy value of the statue, OR of the dangerous nature of its ease of fall.

Bad overall parenting, as my kids at 5 would not have assumed that place was a jungle gym, but it's highly unlikely they lose in court.
Museum claims that there is a reasonable expectation and knowledge of patrons and citizens to know not to touch artwork in a museum. I agree with them. We shouldn’t have to have do not touch signs and plexiglass over anything of value in a museum just because some brat and bad parent can’t behave civil.

They’re trying to argue that point to avoid paying but it’s bullshit. Go to any museum and you’ll see a similar set up where very expensive paintings are within arms reach of any patron.
No, they don't have 132,000 paintings displayed in a way that can fall over and hurt kids in the middle of the hallway.
Sure, like I have insurance on my car, to protect me from stupid people. But if one of those stupid people runs into me, they're still at fault and liable, regardless of whether I have insurance.
We have no fault insurance here...
No, they don't have 132,000 paintings displayed in a way that can fall over and hurt kids in the middle of the hallway.

eh, I have seen several museums, where expensive paintings and other things are not really blocked off like that. In fact, I don't recall any of the paintings at the National Museum of Art in DC to be behind glass, or anything like that.

Moreover, I am positive, that those paintings could fall off the wall and land on someone, if the person were deliberately climbing on them, as in this case with the statue.
Little kids break shit on accident all the time and even good children with good parents act a fool sometimes

The museum is at fault for having the god damn thing unsecured and unprotected
Sure, like I have insurance on my car, to protect me from stupid people. But if one of those stupid people runs into me, they're still at fault and liable, regardless of whether I have insurance.

Not in michigan. "No fault." Sucks bad.
Yeap exactly. What if the kids skull would have been smashed and turned him into a veggie? Different tunes then. Still watch that kid. I really hate parents who apply the "free spirit" raising of their kid - aka: My childs shitty behaviour is now your problem while I sip coffee.

Agreed. I don't want to make it sound like that mom was being parent of the year. She's a fucking idiot too. I just feel like there's more to blame here than just the mother.
Kid could have got hurt.

if he did, then they'd be suing and it would be a different conversation.
he didn't and instead broke something very expensive.
the mom wasn't even around so she can't claim emotional distress either.
eh, I have seen several museums, where expensive paintings and other things are not really blocked off like that. In fact, I don't recall any of the paintings at the National Museum of Art in DC to be behind glass, or anything like that.

Moreover, I am positive, that those paintings could fall off the wall and land on someone, if the person were deliberately climbing on them, as in this case with the statue.
there's a rule for paintings and drawings I'm sure. You touch a painting at the Getty, you get kicked out. Your kids even get close or not on a leash, you get notified by the docents.

There's a golden Urinal at the Broad Museum in LA. It's behind glass, because like this sculpture, it can fall and hurt someone. A urinal can crack a kids skull. Not sure why it's considered art..............
I wonder what the headlines would read if the statue was a Robert E Lee figure?

"hero kid takes down KKK"?

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