Kinda crazy to think there were people so similar to us back in the day

Bangkok ready d1

Oct 31, 2019
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Just saw a picture of my great grandad at my grandma house, dude looked exacly like me, crazy stuff when you think about it, we're all basically the same looking folks but in different eras. There was probably a medieval peasent who looked like all of us back in the day, shit probably even before christ there was our great great-great-great-great grandad who also looked like us.
We are all a recolection of the same features in different timelines.
True, true.

Not gif much longer. In a couple generations we’ll all be non-gender normative quadroons with skittle hair.
I look just like my dad who looks just like his dad. Unsurprised Diaz.
People in the olden days seemed to have much bigger ears, I've always wonderd why
I saw an article saying they found 2,700 year old poop and determined ancient humans ate blue cheese.

This has me motivated to preserve my poop for people thousands of yrs in the future can study it. What's the best way? I'm thinking I should preserve a big piece so the future scientists can share big enough pieces to study.