Media Knockouts You Probably Forgot About

That one where the guy goes limping away and gets hit with that flying knee is like something out of a movie.
most of the kos delivered by fighters who never made it into title contention fit this criteria. occasionally people know the ko, but not the fighters (e.g., brad kohler <FookIsThatGuy>).
One of my favourite forgotten KOs - Andre Winner vs Roli Delgado... Cleaner than a nuns snatch.

Couldn't find a gif anymore, and I'm not sure if we can direct link stuff from twitter on here... Its a great KO though.

Delgado was the "mc dojo" bjj black belt guy from the Junie Browning's TUF season and Winner was in the UK-USA TUF season IIRC

Kohler has the distinction of being involved in two MMA snuff films, once as the perpetrator and once as the victim in the Babalu fight.

Poor guy's soccer ball-shaped head was unfortunately ideal for what Babalu did to it.