League of Legends v.16......2018 worlds

Will TSM choke

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my flex placements so far:

Game one; smash my lane, double their CS. But jungle took heal instead of smite and all other lanes feed
Game two: I keep my resolve masteries on malzahar, manage to do well in the 1v1 mid and get some picks but the other lux snipes and gets a ton of kills. Meanwhile my jungle pops off and we win easily.

Win lane lose game, lose lane win game.

Also my computer problem appears to be a bad power strip, plugged a new one in and haven't had any problems yet.
We think the crashes weren't discord but rather a conflict in audio drivers (which led me to belive discord)

In other news I'm feeling GP in ranked this season. He really feels like a good balance of safety and scaling to actually kill shit. Against aggro lanes I can just hang back and farm while ulting across the map, against tanks it is just free farm with klepto.
Got drunk on IPAs last night and fed in a couple more flex games.

I think one more placement and I'll be balls deep in Plasticard VII.
I'm tryharding in flex hoping to maintain enough rank to duo again
need one more for flex in NA


we played drinking league. every death you drink, every kill you get you give one....

my wife and buddy were botlane and had combined 46 deaths...

i was fed and kept the game going until like 50 minutes,

was a fucking fiesta LOL
so TSM keeps losing

I cannot even care about teams anymore, especially TSM.
Bjerg isn't baylife damnit, he is just some nerd that plays league.
Oddone and dyron in the retirement home, wild turtle forgot how to put the shell on and go in, Reggie is a pencil pusher, fuck tsm.
I cannot even care about teams anymore, especially TSM.
Bjerg isn't baylife damnit, he is just some nerd that plays league.
Oddone and dyron in the retirement home, wild turtle forgot how to put the shell on and go in, Reggie is a pencil pusher, fuck tsm.

This is some real shit.
I cannot even care about teams anymore, especially TSM.
Bjerg isn't baylife damnit, he is just some nerd that plays league.
Oddone and dyron in the retirement home, wild turtle forgot how to put the shell on and go in, Reggie is a pencil pusher, fuck tsm.

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