Lock washers suck


Steel Belt
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
It's supposed to keep your nuts from wiggling loose. But all that empty space means your nut isn't super tight. But if you crank down on it to get rid of the empty space, then you flatten the lock washer and it becomes basically a normal washer, and now your nuts can bust loose again.

I just bought a 6mm nut today to fix to a bolt from which the nut had fallen off and a small metal plate it was holding on had disappeared too. Used a regular washer and applied some rubber glue (not super-strong, kinda glue used to mend shoes etc) to the washer, new metal plate surface and nut surface to stop anything working loose again. Should work ok I think.

wasn't worth buying threadlock for one single nut.

Hardware stores with lots of tools & accessories in them are the only store that I want to stay in longer and check everything out...
Sorry bro you wrong. I'm not looking it up but my belief is they are offset and push up on the nut so when you tighten it down you get upward and downward compression which keeps the nut in place.

Anyone who flames locking washers works from home and buys their tools from Toys R Us.

Man this pisses me off more than it should.
Sorry bro you wrong. I'm not looking it up but my belief is they are offset and push up on the nut so when you tighten it down you get upward and downward compression which keeps the nut in place.

Anyone who flames locking washers works from home and buys their tools from Toys R Us.

Man this pisses me off more than it should.

Toys R Us...holy fuck we're old sir lol.