Logan Paul: "Dana, what's good? Get your head out of your ass and make some money"

I see CM Punk shaved.
Logan Paul VS CM Punk! Make it happen Uncle Dana! You owe us that after the UFC 232 fiasco!
If we pretend the UFC is the best of the best then this is dumb

But if you're going to let CM Punk fight camera guys on PPV, then there's no reason to not let Logan Paul have a fight
"I think the UFC is built on a model of people watching people fight,"

No idea who this guy is but he sounds like a genius, any more musings from this modern day Leonardo ?
God damn it no. This sport is enough of a joke with all the bullshit that is allowed to happen but this is fucking enough. i don't care how gay you guys are for this retard he needs to actually learn the sport before ruining it. I'm getting off Sherdog for the day. This type of shit kills brain cells.
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No idea who this guy is but he sounds like a genius, any more musings from this modern day Leonardo ?
Yeah, that Dana will never make a dime.
According to Wikipedia, Logan Paul makes as much as $2 million a month.
Honestly when fights like this get made it makes me happy. Pride lives on within the UFC.
This guys a cock but he does have an amateur wrestling background, he was a stud in college apparently, and he can box a little.
that's the point i was making Dana ;)
Logan Paul is a no talent hack

That said, he should probably just do his own PPV again and keep all the money.
Once you start putting money over the integrity of the sport, THIS is what you get. Dana should let Logan Paul fight and make some money. Stop pretending the UFC is a legitimate sport... it's not.
Logan Paul is salty that he does not have the physical ability, fight IQ and skill of CM Punk and could never hope to ascend to the levels he did in his time with the UFC.
CM Punk= True WW Goat
Logan Paul is a freakshow fight that would sell 2m PPVs. Sure why not. He'd be a 10x better fighter than CM Punk.