Looks like Khabib is getting political in retirement

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Where's Macrons condemnation when two Muslim girls were stabbed in Paris?

These new generation muslims are not like Muslim boomers who were docile and begged for acceptance. This generation is educated, outspoken and will never apologise for the deeds of one individual.
They were not stabbed because they were muslim bro it's not relevant
He is using the same freedom of speech to express his opinion.
He is right in all what he said. And at least we know that he is not a hypocrite
nobody is saying he is not allowed to post it
but what he posted makes him a piece of shit not worthy of praise in the mma world.
i dont agree with khabib but i find myself thinking lately about how in the "west" we assume our values to be the correct ones and in this case "free speech" is held to be a universal right of all.

thats the same free speech that lets the press publish details about the court case of someone who is on trial for rape, making them look like a piece of shit, even if they turn out to be innocent. yay free speech, everyone! free speech, yay

yeah i totally don't agree with khabib here but you have to understand that when over a billion people have a particular way of viewing the world...thats a lot of humans and its hard to say "OH WELL THE WAY WE DO IT IN MY PART OF THE WORLD IS DIFFERENT AND THEREFORE CORRECT"...yeah whatever guys, big world out there, lotta people

And if that’s how you wanna live, that’s fine. Stay in your own fucking country/society. Do not come into a western country and try and tell us how to live.
You are the one supporting VIOLENCE over speech. Khabib in his very post in condemning free speech. Civilized people believe in debate, at worst, social admonishment. Not fucking beheading over a cartoon. Please join us in the 21st century.

Many times people were suggesting to nuke all the Middle East, Mecca or annihilate the Muslims.
That's way worse.
He is right in what he said? Macron and his followers should be disfigured?
Qabah allah wajhu (may allah make ugly his face)

Is a standard formulaic supplication against enemies of islam

Qabaha to make ugly
Qubh ugliness
Qabeeh ugly

It's not literal. It just means May allah humiliate him.

Like "may your hands be rubbed with dust" means may you prosper

I see where the confusion is.
Whats the context? not exactly saying that there is one where this could be that valid, which i guess there is one, but what happened? Also not hating, but not surprised a Muslin takes an extreme reaction over anything.
they really delete these threads? we cant even have a conversation?
I'm going against the grain here. The problem with these drawings is that it's not just offensive, but incitement to muslims with that much disrespect. France welcomes these people with open arms and at the same time, expects them accept that type of ridicule. It's a conflict of culture. On one had, the french are accepting muslims, and on the other, they are slapping them in the face.

Lets say, the french start accepting africans, and at the same time, start calling them N____rs. It's free speech and also ridicule.
Muslims gonna Muslim I suppose.

Long as Khabib keeps this to a social media level and not into a more explosive situation, i don't care. French have freedom of speech to poke fun at that pedophile Muhammad just like Muslims have a freedom of speech to denounce them.
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