Love - what's it all about?

I assume that love and the feeling of a broken heart is all to do with the brain, isn't it?

Everything you experience is "to do" with the brain, that doesn't tell you anything.

I've been in love, for real, only once. It entirely shifted my direction and priorities in life. I don't think there's anything else like it.
Procreation and being nice to the male to keep him around long enough for the little ones to grow up safe and repeat the cycle.
I was in love once with a woman who claimed to be in love with me but apparently wasn't. I loved my parents and I think they loved me but that's a different kind of love.
So many questions lol

I've definitely been in love and I've been loved before. Mutual love happens when both of you click/vibe in the same way with one another, typically when you are both in the same stages in lives, but one thing I've come to learn is that the biggest problem with commitment is that people constantly change, your taste, values etc are in constant change, and sometimes couples start growing apart; which is why I find marriage to be difficult, because who you are today will change in 10 years, and so it's the other person.
A thread all about love. It's an interesting subject imo.

How many times have you truly been in love, if ever?
Has anyone ever been in love with you?

Broken hearts.
I assume that love and the feeling of a broken heart is all to do with the brain, isn't it?
Why does the pain of a broken heart feel like it is actually coming from the chest area if it's really to do with something happening in the brain?
I presume it's the same with everyone?
If i really miss someone, the aching, the pain, seems like it is in the heart, although i'm sure heart specialists would say that is impossible, but i'm sure they've felt that same feeling.

I wonder how and why you can fall in love with one person[quite quickly sometimes] but not with another?

Identical triplets. I know someone who once had a relationship for quite some time with a triplet. Years later he told me he never felt even the slightest of feelings for the other two even tho' they looked the same and were also really nice girls.

Obviously the person you are developing feelings for is 'ticking all the right boxes' that enables this to happen?

Rather profound questions to be asking on fight night, don't you think? LOL.
Seriously, though, I've always been a relationship guy. A serial monogamist if you will. So, rather than dating a bunch of different girls I always seemed to find myself in a series of long-term relationships over the course of my life. As a result, I feel as though I've been in love quite a few times.
Some just a wee bit perhaps but others far more intensely. Among the latter, of course, would be with my ex-wife & now, much more so, with my fiance.
Have they been in love with me in return? I'm sure not all of them have been. But, enough of them have & definitely the ones that count.

Why do we feel love in our chests rather than in our heads?
I believe that it has to do with the flood of serotonin, oxytocin & adrenaline into our systems & how it effects out respiratory systems.

As for why one person in particular "clicks" with you but not another, I have no clue. Beyond the obvious indicators like physical attraction, things that you might have in common & having compatible personalities, it's all a mystery, my friend.
It's about the continuation of the species.

So is basically everything, what's your point? That it's not magic? Sure, nothing is.
What about magic though?
Everything you experience is "to do" with the brain, that doesn't tell you anything.

I've been in love, for real, only once. It entirely shifted my direction and priorities in life. I don't think there's anything else like it.
True love exists for a few months, maybe a year. It is a fleeting thing.

After that it’s just commitment and trying to navigate the minefield that is life, blindfolded with a gimpy leg
Chemical reactions in the brain that resulted in us heavily philosophizing over it through out the ages.

Probably been in love once though I am incredibly flakey so who knows.