Low Bar Squat Form Check


Getting Crunk
Oct 13, 2006
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So...This is at least my 3rd or 4th squat form check I've posted. Who knew squats were so complicated?

I've finally realize (I think) that I was trying to use low-bar cues & tips with a high bar set up.

Low bar is uncomfortable, my wrists and shoulders are sort of screwed up, but I decided to really try it. If its just pain, then I can deal with it. Who knows, maybe I'll get used to it.

I tried different grip widths, wider seems to reduce the pain for me. I also found that the key was to keep my upper back *really* tight. Wrists still hurt like a BITCH!

I went really light, here is a video of 155x10. I think the depth may need to be improved a bit on some reps - any other tips or corrections are greatly appreciated.

I used to get sore wrists on low bar too, I found it was super important to firstly make sure you don't have your thumbs round the bar, secondly make sure your wrists are straight, and not supporting the weight of the bar - instead they should be holding the weight against your back.
So...This is at least my 3rd or 4th squat form check I've posted. Who knew squats were so complicated?

I've finally realize (I think) that I was trying to use low-bar cues & tips with a high bar set up.

Low bar is uncomfortable, my wrists and shoulders are sort of screwed up, but I decided to really try it. If its just pain, then I can deal with it. Who knows, maybe I'll get used to it.

I tried different grip widths, wider seems to reduce the pain for me. I also found that the key was to keep my upper back *really* tight. Wrists still hurt like a BITCH!

I went really light, here is a video of 155x10. I think the depth may need to be improved a bit on some reps - any other tips or corrections are greatly appreciated.

First thing i noticed was your breathing just remember before you do a rep take a big breath and get a big belly of air and hold it for the whole rep that will keep your core super tight i no the weight is light but its a good habit to get into also your depth looks abit shallow so try and take your reps deeper also it looks like you need to try and sit back abit more.

I used to get sore wrists on low bar too, I found it was super important to firstly make sure you don't have your thumbs round the bar, secondly make sure your wrists are straight, and not supporting the weight of the bar - instead they should be holding the weight against your back.

+1 thumbless grip makes a huge diffrence infact did 60kg the other day with thumbs around and i had to rerack the bar even before my first rep cause it was straining my wrists but when i go thumbless i get no pain.
You need to sit back more and go an inch or so deeper.
They were half-squats IMO. Looks like you have trouble descending fully, so you really ought to work on your flexibility on off-days. Can you go ass to grass without weight on your back? If not, you need to.

I also didn't notice any intake and holding of breath before you drop. A belly full of air is absolutely essential, otherwise your core is jelly and you're losing power.

As well as aforementioned thumbless grip, try wrist wraps - until you've got the flexibility in your wrists they'll help drive your hands into the bar and so keep your back tighter.
Thanks for the comments. I am using a thumbless grip, don't think my wrists were straight though. I'll try it with wrist straps, that seems like a great idea. I am working on my flexibility - it's for sure an issue...

I also hadn't noticed the breathing, so thanks - I know I'm supposed to do that, will make that more of a conscious effort.
Feet wider, bar lower, look down a tiny bit, break parallel, and imagine spreading the ground below you apart.
Watch this:

Seriously, watch it.