Media Mackenzie Dern featured on clip asking foreign fighters the hardest English word to pronounce

You are all wrong, I can back that up as I have actually known her for many years in real life because I'm her accent.

The second I said I was her dad I knew sime shedogger would make this exacte account. Lol. Love it. where's the fucking weirdo who keeps claiming to know her? Has he made a new account yet?

It is a room full of people who can see that you are a moron.

So nice to see sherdog agree on something.
This little conundrum is easily resolved, in fact I am surprised nobody on SD thought to mention it. Ask Mr "I know her IRL!!" guy to simply link these supposed posts where he has debunked the fact that she obviously has a fake accent, since he has done it SO many times and can't be bothered with repeating himself, they shouldn't be hard to find. If he cannot provide those links of said debunkings, then I would suggest he joins his IRL BFF in the ranks of the fakes mentioned in this thread.