Social MADAM ALEXANDER OCASIO CORTEZ raises 2 MILLION and travels to Texas to help those in need

No no you don't get it! Fundraising to help others in crisis is not what politicians are supposed to do because it's inauthentic and fake and worthy of so much criticism! @Proud American said so!
As humans with clear state of mind we shouldn't be dragged down to that level. Only subhumans whines when someone does something good for the people at large and forces anyone to be as pathetic as they are. It stems from insecurity. Cretins always trying to drag everyone down.
This is absurd. And it’s never happened in American politics before. And you know it. You know it.

just another shameless display. A new low. Glad to see you’re of the moral character to not care about the millions of Texans who certainly don’t want to see AOC come and take photo ops in their state. Again.
Keep going you're like a Seinfeld character.
"What audacity this person has to help! Who does she think she is?!"
Lol. @Proud American is actually becoming one of the funniest parody accounts on Sherdog.

AOC raises millions of dollars for disaster relief and he’s like: “I’m very old, and I’ve never seen a political figure do this. It’s unprecedented...and disgusting.”

this is gonna piss millions of Texans off. They know she doesn’t care about them, she hates their red state guts. She’s there to antagonize Ted Cruz. And everyone knows it. It’s just another new low in American politics

AOC raising money and giving up her time to help is "a new low in politics". lol.


Btw, she was doing all sorts of community work and organizing well before she was famous.
I totally believe She cares, totally genuine. Thank god for politics it was that or Only fans.
Conservatives need to just admit that they are the villains in this reality
AOC literally doing more for Texas than its mayors/senators/governors and these inbred pig-faced low iq dipshits still find a way to complain about it.
We Americans have never seen anything like this. Some super rich nyc people could have given her money and said “go fuck with Ted Cruz”

this is gonna piss millions of Texans off. They know she doesn’t care about them, she hates their red state guts. She’s there to antagonize Ted Cruz. And everyone knows it. It’s just another new low in American politics

and our liberal media and cultural outlets are gonna have a field day with this. She’s gonna be revered like the Virgin Mary herself.

This is not about people of Texas. I can’t believe the misery of millions of people is gonna be the background to this disgusting display.

I can’t remember a single time any elected representative has gone to another state after a storm or other occurrence to play political gotcha. I dont think it’s ever happened before

What the fuck? I've never seen such a partisan take in my life, jesus christ dude. Is this post for real?

I sincerely hope for your sake this is a joke.

Give her credit man, she cares more than dumbass Ted Cruz. It just hurts your fragile ego to admit someone from the other side might actual be a better human being.
Lol. @Proud American is actually becoming one of the funniest parody accounts on Sherdog.

AOC raises millions of dollars for disaster relief and he’s like: “I’m very old, and I’ve never seen a political figure do this. It’s unprecedented...and disgusting.”


I still remember when Harry Connick Jr. was walking around NOLA giving food and water while DHS was preventing the Red Cross from going in because it was "unsafe". But because his music sucks, clearly he was motivated by PR.
Typical response from the hard right-wingers on here. Someone on the other side of the isle does something good and they shit on it. Someone on their side skips out on his constituents and you can hear crickets fuck.

Yeah man, its deeply concerning that someone does something great like that and its met with responses like this. I don't know why I am so damn naive still. I honestly opened up this thread thinking there would be bipartisan praise for this. It's always great when someone puts America before party. It just goes to show that there are Americans in this country that don't actually want to heal but rather enjoy the partisan politics as entertainment.
I totally believe She cares, totally genuine. Thank god for politics it was that or Only fans.

What's up with all the sexist comments on this thread?

You act as if an intelligent woman is only capable of earning money through only fans.

AOC at the very least was working a job prior to becoming a politician.

Why is it that the right complains about people on welfare but then also complains about people who work for a living?
Yeah man, its deeply concerning that someone does something great like that and its met with responses like this. I don't know why I am so damn naive still. I honestly opened up this thread thinking there would be bipartisan praise for this. It's always great when someone puts America before party. It just goes to show that there are Americans in this country that don't actually want to heal but rather enjoy the partisan politics as entertainment.

Don't let the cunts on this board bum you out! I would say (and hope) we see some of the more extreme viewpoints on this board. Most of the whacky right-wingers on her are Trump nut lickers or professional trolls.
That means jack shit. Facebook and Twitter mean nothing to truth We can all see the parking lot she’s crying in front of with our eyes. The fact checkers call it a “road”. awesome
Fact checkers is really just damage control for the liberal propaganda machine.

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