Opinion MAID is Not Only Unethical, It's Murder

What Yall are suggesting is these suicidal people just need a push to help them jump off these bridges

It’s what they wanted… right?
So someone experiencing an acute suicidal episode can show up at a clinic and get help ending their life the same day? If so, then that's fucked up and I totally agree that it shouldn't be allowed. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that this isn't the case and as a result your comparison is faulty.
"the purpose of living" lmao you fn simpleton. You think you have it all figured out?
Denying the right to die would essentially force people to live against their will. that is undefendable no matter how you look at it.
I know u authoritarian chuds are disconnected from reality but Human euthanasia is becoming more and more normal as each day passes.
Dying has never been a right.
But apparently in Canada they do have a right to assisted suicide. That's kinda what made this entire story possible.
She's in the Netherlands. Canada has apparently had second thoughts about euthanasia for the mentally ill.
100% pro MAID. Thinning the herd from the weak is the most cost effective and efficient pathway to reduce numbers of incapables. If they want to die, give them an easy way out

Totally healthy woman decides she wants to die and the government will help her do so. Mind you, if she took this matter into her own hands, she would be detained against her will in a mental health facility. This article walks through the process and I'm not sure how a doctor with good conscience could come in, have a cup of coffee with the patient, and then ask if they're ready to die. It seems immoral and unethical at a minimum and shouldn't even be legal. Society is taking a horrifying turn.
Do you believe the NY Post can be relied upon to report on this story honestly?
Do you have a license to practice medicine such that I should take your word for what the medical profession considers unethical?

Didn't read the thread, by the way. I just need to see the OP is based upon a NY Post piece to dismiss it out of hand.

Have a nice day.
It is probably the last line treatment for that country. They pretty much are trying anything they can to try to fix this situation. The problem is that physicians don't really have that many effective weapons against treatment resistant depression. A lot of people have several issues along with their main issue. Mental illness has a huge spectrum and severity. There is a part of me that is saying she shouldn't be depressed because she is living in a nice home and has a boyfriend along with cats. The problem is that I am not her and I don't feel the misery that she is feeling.

The alternative is to lock her up against her will and heavily medicate her until she is 40 and there might be a chance the brain will somehow auto correct itself. Imagine telling someone battling cancer for a long time that they need to do aggressive chemo for another ten years for a chance to get better. Some people might consider choosing the alternative instead of suffering. Again it's not black and white issue but I can understand her exhaustion in her battle to live a normal life.
Fortunately, a lot of the stigma is falling away from the use of psychedelics in mental health treatment. They've been shown to help with all sorts of things from PTSD to depression. I can hardly wait until they are in widespread use in the clinical setting.
Well, she isn't "totally healthy", unless you don't consider mental afflictions as real. She suffers from Autism, Borderline Personality Disorder, & Depression, and after being told by her medical professionals it wasn't going to get any better for her, she elected death over continued existence.

She has a lover, is a reasonably attractive and young person, and has several pets she cares deeply about ... what do you suggest? We force her to live unhappily so that we might experience less cognitive dissonance? She wants to go. She will find a way with or without medical assistance.

Locking her up and forcing her to live against her will, will not make the world a better place.
I don’t give a shit if she lives or dies but we could at least dress this up and let a serial killer do it. How many freebies do these guys get?
Do you own your own body? That's the question you need to ask yourself. Once you answer that question, everything is clear & logical.

I believe my body is my own, no one else can tell me what I can or can't do to myself. If I want to kill myself by snorting an ounce of cocaine I should be allowed to do so.
Do you think the government should have a program/policy/responsibility to aid you in killing yourself?
Do you believe the NY Post can be relied upon to report on this story honestly?
Do you have a license to practice medicine such that I should take your word for what the medical profession considers unethical?

Didn't read the thread, by the way. I just need to see the OP is based upon a NY Post piece to dismiss it out of hand.

Have a nice day.
Why not give people the freedom to choose for themselves? I don't get it. If I want to die let me die.
Then buy a gun and off yourself like everyone else. We don’t need the medical establishment encouraging and legitimizing it.
Then buy a gun and off yourself like everyone else. We don’t need the medical establishment encouraging and legitimizing it.
No one is encouraging it and MAID is a lot less messy than splatter from a gun shot wound to the head--which is sometimes unsuccessful, to boot. You want families to be left to clean that shit up?

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Do you think the government should have a program/policy/responsibility to aid you in killing yourself?

Yes. Whether it's medically assisted suicide, suicide pod rentals, or a mail-order suicide kit, there should be some way for people to kill themselves in a painless & humane way that does not leave a giant mess for everyone else to clean up. There will always be people who want to end their lives, there needs to be a better way for them to die other than blowing their brains out or jumping in front of a train.
Yes. Whether it's medically assisted suicide, suicide pod rentals, or a mail-order suicide kit, there should be some way for people to kill themselves in a painless & humane way that does not leave a giant mess for everyone else to clean up. There will always be people who want to end their lives, there needs to be a better way for them to die other than blowing their brains out or jumping in front of a train.
Everything you are proposing can be done without government intervention, no?
Lmao comparing something that kills you with something that doesn't. You can't be serious

Suicide is like the 11th leading cause of death in the country.

I hope you try to argue mental health disorders aren’t causing many of them. That will be really entertaining.
We're not talking about a single case, I'm talking about the entire field.

So you’re claiming the entire field has never successfully treated the symptoms of depression, autism, or bipolar disorder? Never succeeding treated any mental disorder or illness ever because they know nothing?

That’s silly. Are you a scienctologist lol?
Everything you are proposing can be done without government intervention, no?

who licenses doctors? The government.

You could have some random do dental work on you but if you want reliable and less painful work done you go to the dentist because you can confirm their expertise via licensing. Why would you not want that level of expertise when it comes to a procedure this much more important?
Can't imagine being in the shoes of the guy who administers the "final dose" to a person like that. It has to haunt you at least a little bit that there may have been another way forward for some of these folks.

The problem I've always had with legalizing euthanasia is that we've just never shown ourselves to be capable of drawing that line, the line between life and death. When mistakes are made in judgment, there is no way of undoing them. At first it starts with the terminally ill, and then "the right to die" just keeps extending and extending until we reach the point where we're killing off folks who've been pushed into miserable conditions by society, raised in broken families, lacking any hope about the future.