Making a murderer season 2

Because she's a post conviction lawyer and wasnt aware of this case until AFTER the two generated a ton of buzz and after that old lady had written to her for help ? Not to split hairs but you realize the difference between a movie and a TV show(documentary series)

You think Avery never contacted her before? He contacted her many times.
But she never took the case because there is no way she can get him off because of the overwhelming amount of evidence against Avery.
You think Avery never contacted her before? He contacted her many times.
But she never took the case because there is no way she can get him off because of the overwhelming amount of evidence against Avery.
Not sure what you're getting at. Avery and his old lady girlfriend at the time sent requests after he got thrown in jail though. You're saying they contacted him before he got convicted? Do you have anything to substantiate that?
Lol some of you guys are fucking insane. They literally found her remains and vehicle on his property after going to see him last. They found her car keys in his room. They found his blood in her car.

People get convicted by far less evidence all the time. That's literally overwhelming to a reasonable person. If you aren't a reasonable person then you'll consider him to be innocent.
Not sure what you're getting at. Avery and his old lady girlfriend at the time sent requests after he got thrown in jail though. You're saying they contacted him before he got convicted? Do you have anything to substantiate that?

What I mean is he contacted the new Lawyer after he got convicted in what 2006 or 2007?
But the lawyer didn't take his case until after the popularity of the TV Show in 2016?

That is because the evidence is so overwhelming there is no point in her trying. That's why she never took the case.
Let's be honest here she got nothing. Claiming someone was randomly outside Avery's trailer? When he happened to be bleeding to pick up the blood.
On the same day, the girl was murdered and Avery happened to have a fire. And Avery also conveniently lied about almost every detail in his story.

That is an insult to every normal thinking person.
One thing in the new season I thought was crazy is the prosecution said how Avery was so sweaty that he left a ton of dna under the hood of the car. The new defense had a bunch of different people lift the latch and hood and immediately tested for dna and there was hardly any but then compared to the amount they found from Avery and it was literally like 100X more. He would have had to lick that latch and leave a ton of spit on it to leave that much dna because sweat doesn’t leave much at all.

Also, the barrel they found the bones in was checked two days prior but nothing was found but then they decided to check it again and sure enough they were able to find them and the original defense never pointed this out. Add that to the fact that the cops pretty much told Brendan that Avery did something to the hood of the car so that he would say that he touched it.

Not saying he didn’t kill her but this case had been fucked since the beginning.
Not saying he didn’t kill her but this case had been fucked since the beginning.

You forgot Kratz doing a press conference before the trial had even begun and vomited out a laundry list of gruesome details to the public. Oh, I'm positive that had no effect on potential jurors. How can that kind of stuff even fly?

Lol some of you guys are fucking insane. They literally found her remains and vehicle on his property after going to see him last. They found her car keys in his room. They found his blood in her car.

People get convicted by far less evidence all the time. That's literally overwhelming to a reasonable person. If you aren't a reasonable person then you'll consider him to be innocent.

The courts aren't infalliable and the past two decades have been more than enough to show cops are able to get away with planting evidence and outright murder in some cases. You're ignoring how suspicious all of that evidence is. Some of her remains on the property yet more human bones with cut marks was found elsewhere far away from his property, which was ignored. They searched his trailer for 1 or 2 days iirc and then a local sheriff all of a sudden finds the key out in plain sight? Why did the ex-boyfriend have a torn piece of her day planner which included notes she wrote on the day she was murdered? None of the blood in the vehicle matches blood spatter marks. Flakes of blood don't magically appear on carpet. If those flakes weren't planted, then his cut was healed and the blood near the ignition wouldn't have been there. All the blood was in very weird spots. No bone fragment on the bullet that "killed" her, etc etc.

Bobby Dassey was the one who said Avery was the last person to be seen with her yet his computer hdd was filled with thousands of pictures of dead women, women being abused, pedophilia. If the jury heard that, there goes your witness. Conveniently, that rat fuck Ken Kratz mislabeled the court documents detailing that evidence.

How about the county coroner being barred from the scene of the crime and threatened with arrest if she goes there? What the fuck is that?

If you're not a complete fucking waterhead who blindly bows down to cops and the higher powers, you'd consider him guilty. West Memphis 3 all over again.
One thing in the new season I thought was crazy is the prosecution said how Avery was so sweaty that he left a ton of dna under the hood of the car. The new defense had a bunch of different people lift the latch and hood and immediately tested for dna and there was hardly any but then compared to the amount they found from Avery and it was literally like 100X more. He would have had to lick that latch and leave a ton of spit on it to leave that much dna because sweat doesn’t leave much at all.

Also, the barrel they found the bones in was checked two days prior but nothing was found but then they decided to check it again and sure enough they were able to find them and the original defense never pointed this out. Add that to the fact that the cops pretty much told Brendan that Avery did something to the hood of the car so that he would say that he touched it.

Not saying he didn’t kill her but this case had been fucked since the beginning.
The problem with this is that the defense was never able to suggest another suspect. There are literally 0 other reasonable suspects. She was last seen at Averys and her body remains, vehicle, and keys were all found at his place. Avery also called her several times before she came to the property to try and get her there, leaving harassing voicemails. She didnt even want to go there. He clearly had a love interest in her. Its an open and close case imo. Overwhelming evidence against him. The doc just did an amazing job at presenting it in the most bias way possible.

Like the little pin hole in the blood vile. Thats a very normal procedure that convinced the Netflix audience that it was tampered with.
Lol some of you guys are fucking insane. They literally found her remains and vehicle on his property after going to see him last. They found her car keys in his room. They found his blood in her car.

People get convicted by far less evidence all the time. That's literally overwhelming to a reasonable person. If you aren't a reasonable person then you'll consider him to be innocent.

The conspiracy theory is so absurd. I believe the prosecutor said it best in his closing arguments that was in the first season. Something along the lines of:

"To believe in this theory, you must believe that everyone in the entire law enforcement community was in on framing Steven Avery, and that all of the evidence was planted, including Theresa's remains."
You forgot Kratz doing a press conference before the trial had even begun and vomited out a laundry list of gruesome details to the public. Oh, I'm positive that had no effect on potential jurors. How can that kind of stuff even fly?

The courts aren't infalliable and the past two decades have been more than enough to show cops are able to get away with planting evidence and outright murder in some cases. You're ignoring how suspicious all of that evidence is. Some of her remains on the property yet more human bones with cut marks was found elsewhere far away from his property, which was ignored. They searched his trailer for 1 or 2 days iirc and then a local sheriff all of a sudden finds the key out in plain sight? Why did the ex-boyfriend have a torn piece of her day planner which included notes she wrote on the day she was murdered? None of the blood in the vehicle matches blood spatter marks. Flakes of blood don't magically appear on carpet. If those flakes weren't planted, then his cut was healed and the blood near the ignition wouldn't have been there. All the blood was in very weird spots. No bone fragment on the bullet that "killed" her, etc etc.

Bobby Dassey was the one who said Avery was the last person to be seen with her yet his computer hdd was filled with thousands of pictures of dead women, women being abused, pedophilia. If the jury heard that, there goes your witness. Conveniently, that rat fuck Ken Kratz mislabeled the court documents detailing that evidence.

How about the county coroner being barred from the scene of the crime and threatened with arrest if she goes there? What the fuck is that?

If you're not a complete fucking waterhead who blindly bows down to cops and the higher powers, you'd consider him guilty. West Memphis 3 all over again.

I just watched episode 9 and most of 10 of the new series and that bobby dassey seems like he could have been a suspect. The amount of shit they found on his computer lol. kiddy porn and women being cut and photos of dead women.

Then to keep changing his story of how he saw the vehicle and telling others he didnt see the vehicle after a certain time.

Then there is that officer colborn who failed to make reports in the first rape case against avery and then the 2nd when a witness told him he saw the vehicle down the road from the gas station.

This case is so messed up and mishandled. Those 2 are never getting out, it doesnt matter what evidence they uncover.
You forgot Kratz doing a press conference before the trial had even begun and vomited out a laundry list of gruesome details to the public. Oh, I'm positive that had no effect on potential jurors. How can that kind of stuff even fly?

The courts aren't infalliable and the past two decades have been more than enough to show cops are able to get away with planting evidence and outright murder in some cases. You're ignoring how suspicious all of that evidence is. Some of her remains on the property yet more human bones with cut marks was found elsewhere far away from his property, which was ignored. They searched his trailer for 1 or 2 days iirc and then a local sheriff all of a sudden finds the key out in plain sight? Why did the ex-boyfriend have a torn piece of her day planner which included notes she wrote on the day she was murdered? None of the blood in the vehicle matches blood spatter marks. Flakes of blood don't magically appear on carpet. If those flakes weren't planted, then his cut was healed and the blood near the ignition wouldn't have been there. All the blood was in very weird spots. No bone fragment on the bullet that "killed" her, etc etc.

Bobby Dassey was the one who said Avery was the last person to be seen with her yet his computer hdd was filled with thousands of pictures of dead women, women being abused, pedophilia. If the jury heard that, there goes your witness. Conveniently, that rat fuck Ken Kratz mislabeled the court documents detailing that evidence.

How about the county coroner being barred from the scene of the crime and threatened with arrest if she goes there? What the fuck is that?

If you're not a complete fucking waterhead who blindly bows down to cops and the higher powers, you'd consider him guilty. West Memphis 3 all over again.

you forgot to call everyone boot lickers
I believe the ex boyfriend Ryan Hilegas did it. There is so much bullshit and suspicious surrounding all the "concrete" evidence.

Lets start here.

"More than twice as many women were shot and killed by their husband or intimate acquaintance than were murdered by strangers using guns, knives, or any other means."
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I just finished season 2.

When Avery first spent 16 years in prison he was obviously not given a fair shot. They targeted him.

I can't say he is guilty or not BUT I do believe evidence was planted and tampered with. I don't believe he was given a fair trial when I watched season 1. After watching season 2 I believe even more so he was not given a fair trial for the murder case. So much evidence seemed to be made to fit.

He could be guilty but i think he should be let out since he was targeted to make evidence fit
Finishing up episode 2 of season 2 now. Very interesting stuff. My gut tells me he's guilty but they didn't have as much evidence as they wanted, so they planted a few things and coerced Brendan to make sure they had enough to convict him.

Bobby screams guilty to me as well tho.

More interesting notes about Ryan Hilegas. Also, its very interesting, his hands beind super bruised up and scratched days after Teresa went missing.
Right, I've watched it all now, and although it's obviously biased towards his innocence I am basing my opinion on the new 'findings' being accurate.

I do think SA is innocent of her murder, and I don't think he knew anything about it. His attitude and the things he says lead me to believe that he didn't do it, along with the new findings of Skeletor (Lawyer)
I believe Skeletor's current narrative, i.e. that Bobby followed TH as she left SA's place, and I believe he killed her
I am on the fence about Brendon - Either he's just a straight retard and was coerced into admitting a complete fantasy and he's completely innocent, OR he did know that Bobby had done something and was somehow thinking he could save him by implicating SA and is so dumb that he also implicated himself at the same time, i.e. he tried to jump on the grenade but wasn't smart enough
I think that the Police were very quick to blame SA and backed that theory heavily, so much so that when parts of it stopped adding up it was too late to take any other course of action and invested more heavily in proving it was SA, even to the point of getting 'creative' with the evidence
I'm not sure how the ex boyfriend plays a part in this yet

Either way, it's all speculation, and no matter how obvious Skeletor makes it that SA did not commit the crime it means nothing without solid evidence, i.e. DNA proof or confessions. The Police and legal system are way to heavily invested in this to let anything change, so I feel sure that SA will never be freed regardless of what happens.

One thing I am sure of......Kratz is thoroughly dis-likeable chap.
SA might not have done it but the Avery’s are involved somehow. That phone call makes me think the pedo dassey did it and probably forced his slow brother to help him cover it up. Cops then made a deal with him and planted shit to cover their asses in the SA settlement. Hopefully Zellner is able to pinpoint whomever it is.
Lol some of you guys are fucking insane. They literally found her remains and vehicle on his property after going to see him last. They found her car keys in his room. They found his blood in her car.

People get convicted by far less evidence all the time. That's literally overwhelming to a reasonable person. If you aren't a reasonable person then you'll consider him to be innocent.

I think he's guilty as fuck and the evidence proves it but he did spend 16 years in prison for a previous crime he didn't commit. The state was going to have to pay him $30m and an officer who convicted him on the previous crime sat on a confession that would've proved Avery was innocent, the same officer involved in the Halabch case. Those circumstances factor in a great deal why a lot of people see things as suspicious and think Avery is innocent.

Brendan deserves a retrial though I think as the only evidence linking him to the murder is the confession and it could be argued and has been by judges that he was coerced into confessing.
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Same shit, different season. Lightning doesn’t strike twice. They should have done this on OJ instead.

Avery is guilty. The blood evidence and hood latch DNA plus her blood in the back of the truck was enough to convict. It probably didn’t happen the way Dassey said it did but the whole thing could have happened right in the RAV4. Also her car key being found in his place. Tinfoil hats will say the cops killed her and planted everything to negate Avery’s lawsuit but that’s ludicrous. And the stupid blood spatter re-enactments were dumb as all get out. It was a dynamic event that could never in a million years happen the same way twice.
Same shit, different season. Lightning doesn’t strike twice. They should have done this on OJ instead.

Avery is guilty. The blood evidence and hood latch DNA plus her blood in the back of the truck was enough to convict. It probably didn’t happen the way Dassey said it did but the whole thing could have happened right in the RAV4. Also her car key being found in his place. Tinfoil hats will say the cops killed her and planted everything to negate Avery’s lawsuit but that’s ludicrous. And the stupid blood spatter re-enactments were dumb as all get out. It was a dynamic event that could never in a million years happen the same way twice.


Skeletor doing her own experiments was corny

She either needs to find who really did it or give up

I think he’s guilty

Too much evidence and too many coincidences like the hand cuffs and leg irons
Can someone give me a honest answer?

I've been told season 2 is rubbish. I dont know whether to bother investing my time in it. Basically, my good mate told me (as I mildly suspected) that there's nothing to it - all the interesting shit came out in season 1, it was a gripping story to tell and was easily and brilliantly spread across the whole season. Now, there's no story to tell (he said) really and its just the behind-the-scenes legal stuff......which isn't as interesting, for me.

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