Man dies after hair transplant goes fatally wrong

Let me let you in on a secret, people lie on the internet.

P.s. @Slobodan, GTFITT, yo cat is misbehaving again.
Reject hair and embrace James Gandolfini

Any surgery has risk. It's one of the reasons why people shouldn't take cosmetic surgery so lightly. You could die just from the anesthesia. Some people don't wake up even when everything's done right.

It's a free country so do what you want but ask yourself if having a boob job is really worth risking your life
I'm a bald guy myself with no plans for a hair transplant but I've got nothing against it if it makes people happy.

I am always surprised though at the number of top fighters getting it done now with McGregor, Rich Franklin, Ngannou, Cowboy and Costa you'd think being a tough rich athlete you wouldn't care and most of those guys are married too.

Then you got guys like Alves and Lombard who've done that hairline tattoo which is wierd.
money goes to government vs tax writeoff, your choice
I didn't read the story but have talked to enough educated people from that part of the world to know there's a few possibilities. The "hair transplant" could have been an animal stapled to poor dudes head, or done by some phoney with an online diploma posted on a shack down by the river. Fuckery abounds all around the globe.

I'm not balding but a shaved head beats the hell out of even considering a transplant.
I didn't read the story but have talked to enough educated people from that part of the world to know there's a few possibilities. The "hair transplant" could have been an animal stapled to poor dudes head, or done by some phoney with an online diploma posted on a shack down by the river. Fuckery abounds all around the globe.

I'm not balding but a shaved head beats the hell out of even considering a transplant.

Slav and not bald, what sorcery is this

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