Man Gets Into Shootout on Facebook Live

I would bet everything I ever have made and everything I ever will make, on this kid hitting prison within the next 5 years
The Vinnie Jones?
"Take yo skinny ass back in the house"

Its funny I absolutely knew he was going to be a hoodlum black guy dressed the way he is and speaking a broken type of English most of us could hardly understand. These type come and go quicker than fruit flies.

That is front page World Star material right there
Its weird, i allways thought African Americans were against snitching.
That vid is very explosive and action packed.
Straight up put that kid in the Marines when he's of age. Little dude is straight fearless.
I can't understand a single word he said but I'm impressed by his ability to multitask.
I tried googling it but this apparently didn't appear in any respectable or major news. Either that or my googling skills sucks.